Prof. George Hoffmann redesigned his HONORS 241 course for teaching in a team-based classroom.
Prof. George Hoffmann
Romance Languages and Literatures Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA)
Prof. George Hoffmann recently began teaching a new course in the latest team-based learning space, 1060 Biological Sciences Building (BSB). New to teaching a course with a large enrollment as well as to the enhanced room format, Professor Hoffmann collaborated with a team of support professionals as he designed and implemented the course, HONORS 241: What Westworld Teaches us about Being Human. Explore the resources below to learn more about how he designed this writing-intensive course for a team-based learning space.
Panelists (from left to right):
Phill Cameron, Instructional Learning Consultant Intermediate, Language Resource Center (LRC), College of LSA
This course detail information summarizes the basic elements of Prof. Hoffmann’s course -- information about his teaching style and use of the classroom space, Canvas features that supported student learning goals, additional media and technology resources he utilizes, and the support partners with whom he collaborated.
Group Formation Tools
Mastery: Metacognition, “Mastery: Metacognition.” CRLT,
Example: Slide with Writing Master List
Example: Instructions for Team Portfolio
Example: Slide introducing Perusall
Example: Canvas Group Site
Example: Table Discussions In-class Activity
Example: Sample IF-AT Scratch off Card
G155 Angell Hall, 435 South State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109–1003