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Writing with ChatGPT

Rackham/Sweetland Workshops on Writing
Wednesday, April 9, 2025
2:30-4:00 PM
Space 2435 North Quad Map
This workshop will provide students with techniques for graduate writing with ChatGPT. We will start with a brief overview of current academic conversations about ChatGPT, authorship, and citation, and we will consider how disciplinary contexts might shape these conversations. We will then practice a series of prompts and writing exercises graduate students can use while working with ChatGPT. Students should bring a piece of writing they are interested in working on during the workshop.

Register for this workshop at

Rackham / Sweetland Workshops, co-sponsored by the Rackham Graduate School, cover a host of topics designed to help graduate students in various aspects of writing.
Building: North Quad
Event Type: Workshop / Seminar
Tags: Graduate, Graduate School, Graduate Students, Writing
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Sweetland Center for Writing