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News and Events
All News
Faculty News
The Michael Woodroofe Conference
New Faculty Introduction
9th International Extreme Value Analysis Conference
Ji Zhu named IMS Fellow for 2015
Nair Conference
From Industrial Statistics to Data Science
From Industrial Statistics to Data Science
Ambuj Tewari Receives NSF CAREER Award
Xuming He Receives the 2015 Distinguished Achievement Award
Susan Murphy & Ambuj Tewari's Research Featured in ISR Sampler
Susan Murphy Presents at the MIDAS Kickoff Symposium
Liza Levina becomes an ASA fellow
Liza Levina becomes an IMS Fellow
Susan Murphy elected to the National Academy of Sciences
Nonparametric Statistics Workshop Registration has begun
Changes for CSCAR
Susan Murphy's interview with Michigan Radio
Levina and Zhu are among Highly Cited Researchers
2017 NextProf Science Workshop
Professor Ambuj Tewari selected as a 2017 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow in Computer Science
New $2.5M Training Grant: Understanding dynamic big data with complex structure
Dr. Brenda Gunderson featured in ACUE
Two New Faculty Members to Join the Department
Professor Moulinath Banerjee named IMS Fellow
Professor Liza Levina invited to speak at the 2018 International Congress of Mathematicians
Professor Liza Levina selected to present an IMS Medallion Lecture at JSM 2019
Professor Liza Levina awarded Vijay Nair Collegiate Professorship
Department welcomes two new faculty members
Ed Rothman receives the Bicentennial Faculty Governance Lifetime Achievement Award
Professor Gongjun Xu has been selected as a winner of the Bernoulli Society New Researcher Award 2019
Moulinath Banerjee has been selected as a Fellow of the American Statistical Association
Professor Snigdha Panigrahi elected International Statistical Institute member
Ji Zhu receives the Pao-Lu Hsu Prize, the ICSA's most prestigious award to a statistician under 50
Yixin Wang wins the Blackwell-Rosenbluth Award
Xuming He receives 2021 Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award
Data Science for Dynamic Intervention Decision-Making Lab (d3lab) receives $13.2M to address substance abuse disorders
Remembering Michael Woodroofe
Xuming He receives IMS Carver Medal
Statistics at a Crossroads
Prof. Ben Hansen elected member of the International Statistical Institute
Brenda Gunderson reflects on how ECoach impacted her and her STATS 250 students
Professor Ambuj Tewari elected IMS fellow
Professor Gongjun Xu appointed Co-Editor of the Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
Professor Ambuj Tewari awarded the LSA Meet the Moment Research Award
"Modern Statistical and Machine Learning Methods for Big Data 2022 Workshop" October 21-22, 2022
Professor Gongjun Xu receives the 2023 Psychometric Society Early Career Award
Kean Ming Receives NSF Career Award
Long Nguyen elected ASA Fellow
Tailen Hsing elected ASA Fellow
Snigdha Panigraphi awarded the NSF CAREER Award
Breakthrough at UM Stats: AI Gives Voice to Data
Statistics Department to Adopt Randomized Grading Scheme
Vijay Nair to receive the ASA Founders Award
Walter Mebane Elected as a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
Edward Ionides Elected as IMS Fellow
Gongjun Xu receives a COPSS Emerging Leader Award
Moulinath Banerjee appointed Editor of Statistical Science
Ya'acov Ritov has been awarded the Isreal Prize
Ambuj Tewari wins the Early Career Award in Statistics and Data Sciences award from the IISA
Stilian Stoev Elected IMS Fellow
Tailen Hsing elected member of Academia Sinica
Yang Chen Wins the First Michael Woodroofe Award from the CWS
Two tenure-track positions at the Assistant Professor levels
Gongjun Xu receives the President's Citation award from ICSA
Undergraduate News
2023 Undergraduate Graduation
2015 Data Mining Competition
Data Science: A New Major
2015 USPROC Competition
Spring 2016 Undergraduate Data Mining Competition
Alumni Reception: August 1, 2016
SARA Wins Second Place in 2016 NIDA Challenges Program
Statistics Graduation Program & Celebration
2024 Undergraduate Graduation Program
2024 Undergraduate Graduation
Graduate News
2023 Master's Graduation
2023 MSSISS Award Winners
Students Present Their Work at the 2023 Visit Day Poster Session
Jing Ouyang Receives Major Travel Award
Subha Maity Receives Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship
Weijing Tang Receives ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award
Sougata Chaudhuri receives honorable mention for best student paper
Naveen Narisetty wins best paper award
Naveen Narisetty receives Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship
Joonha Park receives Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship
Tim Necamp receives NSF graduate fellowship
Jun Guo receives the Rackham Summer Award
Yuan Zhang wins best paper award
Fall 2017 Graduate Program Application Updates
Xuefei Zhang awarded Rackham International Students Fellowship
Congratulations Jonathan Goetz
Naveen Narisetty wins a ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award for 2016
Tianxi Li wins best student paper award
Yujia Pan receives NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
2017 Michigan Student Symposium for Interdisciplinary Statistical Sciences
Michigan Datathon
Statistics Graduate Student team wins the Michigan Datathon
Winners of the Michigan Datathon
Weijing Tang receives the Rackham International Student Fellowship
Yinqiu He receives the Rackham International Student Fellowship
Jingshen Wang awarded best student paper award
Bo Meng receives the Rackham International Students Fellowship
Yang Li wins an ENAR 2022 Distinguished Student Paper Award
Peter MacDonald selected as a finalist in the Nonparametric Statistics Student Paper Competition
Jinming Li wins a Nonparametric Statistics Student Paper Award
Yinqiu He wins a ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award for 2021
Summer 2021 - Mason Ferlic's Olympic run
PhD Alumni, Dr. Yevgeniya (Jane) Pinelis, featured in Forbes as inspirational leader in AI
Peter MacDonald and Ziping Xu receive the Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship
At Full Speed
Unique Subedi awarded the Rackham International Students Fellowship
Kevin Wibisono awarded the Rackham International Students Fellowship
Shihao Wu wins the 2024 SLDS Student Paper Competition
Gabriel Durham won the Bill Pelham Award for Excellence in Adaptive Interventions Science in Education
Bo Meng awarded the Rackham PreDoctoral Fellowship
Statistics Students Receive Prestigious Fellowships
Shihao Wu awarded the IMS Hannan Graduate Student Travel Award
2024 Master's Graduation Program
2024 PhD Graduation Program
2024 Master's Graduation
University & External Awards
U-M Statistics is ranked as one of the top programs in the world
Sandipan Roy Wins an ICSA Student Paper Award
Boang Liu receives this year's Statistical Learning and Data Science ASA Section Student Paper Award!
Congratulations to MSSISS award winners!
Department Chief Administrator, Bebe Zuniga-Valentino, recipient of Robin Sarris Outstanding Supervisor Award
Archived News
NEW PROGRAM: Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Program
Seyoung Park wins a best paper award
Naveen Narisetty Wins SLDM Student Paper Award
Professor George Michailidis in the News
Yuan Zhang Wins Best Student Paper Award
Professor Xuanlong Nguyen receives NSF Early CAREER award
James Henderson receives the Rackham Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award
Sandipan Roy Wins an ICSA Student Paper Award
Pramita Bagchi and Sumanta Basu Win Student Paper Competition at IISA Conference
Susan Murphy named Herbert E. Robbins Distinguished University Professor of Statistics
Ji Zhu recognized as one of 27 most-cited researchers at The University of Michigan
Susan Murphy elected to prestigious Institute of Medicine
Ph.D. Student Tianxi Li wins Rackham International Student Fellowship
Professor Vijay Nair receives the Deming Lecturer Award of ASA
Yizao Wang receives the Distinguished Dissertation Award from Rackham
Professor Susan Murphy to present MAA Statistics2013 Lecture
LSA Statistics Professor Susan Murphy Is Awarded A 2013 MacArthur Fellowship
Professor Susan Murphy Awarded MacArthur Fellowship
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor
Joon Ha Park and Yun Jhong Wu win Rackham Fellowships
Brenda Gunderson talks E2Coach
Professor Vijay Nair wins the 2012 Henry and Bryna David Award
Naisyin Wang elected as American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellow
Special International Year of Statistics Announcement
Search News
NSF Graduate Fellowship news
Associate Professor Ambuj Tewari research highlights
U-M Statistics is ranked as one of the top programs in the world.
Current research on spatiotemporal inference by Edward Ionides and his collaborators
New Faculty: Snigdha Panigrahi
Julian Lu Awarded Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship for 2018-2019
Congratulations to Yuekai Sun for the 2018 Youden Prize
Faculty Feature: Liza Levina
A recap of Fall Preview Weekend 2018
Giving Blueday 2018
Congratulations to Ed Ionides for his AAAS Fellowship
Faculty Feature: Ya'acov Ritov
Statistics Ph.D. students receive prestigious Rackham awards
Faculty Feature: Ji Zhu
Caleb Ki and Drew Yarger win NSF Graduate Research Fellowships
Xinzhou Guo receives the Jiann-Ping Hsu Pharmaceutical and Regulatory Sciences Student Paper Award
Statistics 50th Anniversary Symposium
Faculty Feature: Snigdha Panigrahi
IMS Bulletin: U-M Stats in the news
Congratulations to Gongjun Xu for the ICSA Outstanding Young Researcher Award 2019
Aritra Guha receives best poster presentation award at BNP12
Congratulations to Gongjun Xu for his NSF CAREER award!
Zheng Gao wins the EVA 2019 Best Student Paper Award
Faculty Feature: Ben Hansen
Apply for Fall Preview Weekend
U-M Statistics welcomes three new faculty members
Yuqi Gu wins IMS Lawrence D. Brown Ph.D. Student Award
50 Years of Michigan Statistics
Faculty Feature: Jonathan Terhorst
Xianghao Chen achieves 1st place in the 2019 DII National Data Science Challenge
Congratulations to Liza Levina for her Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award
Announcing the Bridge Master's Program in Applied Statistics
Giving Blueday 2019
Congratulations to Weijing Tang for the ASA Nonparametric Statistics 2020 Student Paper Award
Peter MacDonald selected to receive a Rackham International Student Fellowship
Liza Levina and Ji Zhu included in Web of Science’s Highly Cited Researchers 2019 Global List
UM Statistics students selected as winners of 2020 ASA Biometrics JSM Travel Awards
Xinzhou Guo wins 2020 Biopharmaceutical Student Paper Award
Update to Transfer Credit Policy for Summer 2020
Statistics PhD students receive Rackham Predoctoral Fellowships
Yinqiu He receives IMS Hannan Graduate Student Travel Award
Professors Moulinath Banerjee and Ya’acov Ritov receive MIDAS COVID-19 Data Science Grant
2019-2020 Statistics Department Newsletter
Gina Cornacchia receives Excellence in Departmental Advising Award
U-M team named a finalist in American Heart Association COVID-19 data challenge
Congratulations to Jack Miller on election to ISI
Jingshen Wang on the Forbes "30 Under 30" List
Congratulations to Weijing Tang for winning and ENAR 2021 Distinguished Student Paper Award
Jinming Li and Simon Fontaine receive Rackham International Student Fellowship and Chia-Lun Lo Fellowship
U-M Statistics researchers earn top prize in global COVID-19 data challenge
Professor Ji Zhu appointed Editor-in-Chief of The Annals of Applied Statistics
GS-JEDI and the Statistics PhD Student Council present Excellence in PhD Teaching Awards
Weijing Tang and Peter MacDonald receive 2021 ASA Statistical Learning and Data Science Student Paper Awards
Ziwei Zhu selected as a finalist for the 2021 Provost Teaching Innovation Prize
#GivingBlueday 2021
Congratulations to MSSISS award winners!
Dan Kessler awarded Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship
Statistics students receive Rackham Outstanding GSI awards
Congratulations to Professor Xuming He for his Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award
Professor Long Nguyen elected as IMS Fellow
Symposium in Memory of Wen-Chen Chen
2020-2021 Statistics Department Newsletter
Shushu Zhang's Award Winning Paper
UM Team won the Olfactory Mixtures Prediction Challenge
All Events
Department Seminar Series
Statistics Career Fair
Career Fair Tips
Dissertation Defenses
Michael Woodroofe Lecture Series
Seminars in Other Departments
Archived Events
March 2015
2015 MSSISS: Dr. Myron Gutmann, The Past, Present, and Future of Research Data Infrastructure
Department Seminar Series: Edward Ionides
Department Hosted Seminar: Igor Pruenster, Are Gibbs-type priors the most natural generalization of the Dirichlet process?
February 2015
Department Seminar Series: Rina Foygel Barber, Robust inference on edges in non-Gaussian graphical models with ROCKET
Faculty Research Presentations Series: Professors Ben Hansen, Yves Atchade, and Vijay Nair
Department Seminar Series: Ambuj Tewari, Statistical learning theory for ranking problems
Faculty Research Presentations Series:Professors Stilian Stoev, Ji Zhu, and Robert Keener
Larry Wasserman, Topological Data Analysis
Michael Woodroofe Lecture Series: Larry Wasserman, Topological Data Analysis
Student Seminar Series: Special student invited speaker: Larry Wasserman, PhD.
Student Seminar Series: Statistics PhD Candidate's Annaul Reports
January 2015
Department Seminar Series: Daniel Sewell, "Latent space models for dynamic networks"
Student Seminar Series: Statistics PhD Candidate's Annaul Reports
Department Seminar Series: Somak Dutta, Lattice based approximations of Matérn dependence and related matrix-free statistical computations
Department Seminar Series: Lucy Xia, A Conditional Dependence Measure with Applications to Undirected Graphical Models
Student Seminar Series: Statistics PhD Candidate's Annaul Reports
Department Seminar Series: Stanislav Volgushev, Quantile-based spectral analysis
Department Seminar Series: Yuekai Sun, Distributed estimation and inference for sparse regression
Student Seminar Series: Yuan Zhang, Annual Report, "Detecting Overlapping Communities in Networks with Spectral Methods"
Oral Prelim: Shrijita Bhattacharya, Statistics on data streams with applications to the analysis high volume network flows
Department Seminar Series: Johannes Lederer, Tuning parameters in high-dimensional statistics
Oral Prelim: Michael Hornstein, A Matrix-Variate Approach to Large-Scale Inference with Dependent Observations
Oral Prelim: Kam Chung Wong, Estimation in High-dimensional Vector Autoregressive Models with Noisy And Corrupted Data
December 2014
Oral Prelim: Mohamad Kazem Shirani Faradonbeh, Algorithms for Controllability of Random Networks
Department Seminar Series: Miles Lopes, “Denoising for Unknown Sparsity in Compressed Sensing”
Student Seminar Series: Jing Ma, Sandipan Roy, James Henderson, Annual Reports
Oral Prelim: Ziheng Yang, A Non-negative Factorization Method for Detecting
Department Seminar Series: Pramita Bagchi, “Inference for Monotone Functions Under Short and Long Range Dependence: New Universal Limits"
Department Seminar Series: Johann Gagnon-Bartsch, Removing Unwanted Variation with Negative Controls
Student Seminar Series: Dr. Zhi (Kevin) He, Gateaux differentials based boosting for fitting large-scale survival data
Department Seminar Series: Sandipan Roy,Change-point Estimation in High Dimensional Markov Random Field Models
November 2014
Department Seminar Series: Joshua French, Credible Regions for Exceedance Sets of Geostatistical Data
Student Seminar Series: Somak Dutta
Statistics Department Hosted Seminar Series by Professor Yves Atchade: Rahul Mazumder, Exact Subset Selection in Regression via a Modern Optimization Lens
Oral Prelim: Yingchuan Wang, Logistic-Normal Mixtures with Heterogeneous
Department Seminar Series: Michael Cafarella, Input Selection for Fast Feature Engineering
Student Seminar Series: Ashwini Maurya, A Well Conditioned and Sparse Estimate of Covariance and Inverse Covariance Matrix Using a Joint Penalty
Student Seminar Series:Yang Liu, Anatomy of Network-Level Malicious Activities: Connectedness and Inter-Dependence
Department Seminar Series: Lucas Mentch, Ensemble Trees and CLTs: Using Subsamples to Peek Inside the Black Box
Student Seminar Series: Kristjan Greenewald, Robust Kronecker Product PCA for Spatio-Temporal Covariance Estimation
U-M Statistics Open Advising Day
Statistics Department Hosted Seminar Series by Professor Yves Atchade: Jie Chen, Linear-Complexity Kernel Matrix Computation and Its Use in Gaussian Processes
October 2014
Department Seminar Series: Adityanand Guntuboyina, Adaptation in some shape constrained regression problems
Department Seminar Series: Brian Reich, A spectral method for spatial downscaling
Student Seminar Series: Prof. Brian Reich, A spectral method for spatial downscaling
Statistics Department Hosted Seminar by Professor Ambuj Tewari:Shivani Agarwal, Statistical Learning in Complex Prediction Spaces: What Do We Know?
Oral Prelim: Bopeng Li, Combining Network Topology and Node Features for Link Prediction via Multiple Kernel Learning
Statistics Department Hosted Seminar: Professor Ya'acov Ritov, A priori vs. a posteriori consistency in high dimensional estimation
Statistics Department Hosted Seminar Series by Professor Yves Atchade: Vincent Q. Vu, A new approach to sparse PCA
Department Seminar Series: Michael Newton, Putting lots of things in order: rvalues for ranking in large-scale inference
Student Seminar Series: Chansoo Lee
Statistics Department Hosted Seminar Series by Professor Yves Atchade: Sharmodeep Bhattacharyya, Statistical Inference of Nonparametric Latent Variable Network Models
Department Seminar Series: Philippe Rigollet, Optimal group size for ethical multi-stage clinical trials
Student Seminar Series: Raphael Nishimura, Substitution of Nonresponding Primary Sampling Units
Statistics Department Hosted Seminar Series by Professor Yves Atchade: Saharon Rosset, Quality Preserving Databases: Statistically Sound and Efficient Use of Public Databases for an Infinite Sequence of Tests
Department Seminar Series: Yehua Li, Functional Principal Component Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Point Processes with Applications in Disease Surveillance
Student Seminar Series: Student Annual Reports, Dao Nguyen, Emmy Lei, and Pramita Bagchi
September 2014
Department Seminar Series: Moulinath Banerjee, M Estimation under Multistage Sampling
Joint Seminar: The Departments of Biostatistics and Statistics present: Michael Kosorok, Personalize Medicine, Clinical Trials and Machine Learning
Student Seminar Series: Christopher Antoun, Comparing Errors from Noncoverage and Nonresponse in a Mobile Web Survey
Student Seminar Series: Vadim Kutsyy, Discussion session and campus recruitment from eBay
Department Seminar Series: Xiaotong Shen, Estimation of a directed acyclic Gaussian graph
Student Seminar Series: Round-Table Discussion on Summer Internship
Student Seminar Series: Robert Yuen, A Gauss-Pareto process model for spatial prediction of extreme precipitation
Department Seminar Series: Yongtao Guan, Quasi-Likelihood for Spatial Point Processes
Statistics Department Hosted Seminar by Professor Liza Levina: Jean Yee Hwa Yang, Network-based biomarkers enhance classical approaches to prognostic gene expression signatures
Department Seminar Series: C. David Remy, Natural Dynamics in Legged Locomotion
Oral Prelim: Yun-Jhong Wu, Low-rank effects models for link prediction
August 2014
Dissertation Defense: Ming-Chi Hsu, Contributions to Effect Size Analysis with Large Scale Data
Oral Prelim: Nhat Ho, Convergence rate of matrix-variate parameter estimation in finite mixture models and novel approach of assessing bicycle-motor crash data
July 2014
Oral Prelim: Joonha Park, Computational sampling methods in high dimension and applications to modelling of infectious diseases
May 2014
Dissertation Defense: Nirupam Chakrabarty, Semi-parametric Estimation of Target Location in Wireless Sensor Network
Dissertation Defense: Thomas Brown, Analyzing Spatial Processes Locally
April 2014
Oral Prelim: Tianshuang Wu, Set valued Dynamic Treatment Regimes
Dissertation Defense: Juan Shen, Model-based Inference for Subgroup Analysis
Department Seminar Series: Michael Perlman, Extinction or Explosion in a Galton-Watson Branching Process: Testing or Prediction?
Department Seminar Series: Runze Li, Feature Selection for Varying Coefficient Models With Ultrahigh Dimensional Covariates
Student Seminar Series: Statistics Ph.D. Candidates Annual Report
Department Seminar Series: Tanzeem Choudhury, Using Smartphones to Sense, Assess, and Improve Well-Being
Department Seminar Series: Nicholas Polson, Recursive Bayesian Computation
Student Seminar Series: 2014 Faculty Research Presentations Series
Department Seminar Series: Genevera Allen, Sparse and Functional Principal Components Analysis
Student Seminar Series: 2014 Faculty Research Presentations Series
March 2014
Department Seminar Series: Stephen Walker, When Bayesian and Frequentist Hypothesis Testing Match
Student Seminar Series: Statistics Ph.D. Candidate's Annual Reports
MSSISS 2014 Conference: Jeff Wu, From Real World Problems to Esoteric Research: Some Examples
Student Seminar Series: 2014 Faculty Research Presentations Series
Department Seminar Series: Susan A. Murphy, Machine Learning Methods for Individualizing Just in Time Adaptive Interventions
Student Seminar Series: 2014 Faculty Research Presentations Series
February 2014
Department Seminar Series: Andrew Finley, Improving Crop Model Inference through Bayesian Melding with Spatially-varying Parameters
Student Seminar Series: Statistics Ph.D. Candidates Annual Report
Student Paper Discussion with M. Elizabeth Halloran, MD.
Department Seminar Series: M. Elizabeth Halloran, Predictive Modeling of Cholera Outbreaks in Bangladesh
Department Seminar Series: Ramon van Handel, Conditional Phenomena in Time and Space
CANCELED - The Departments of Biostatistics and Statistics present: Michael Kosorok, Personalize Medicine, Clinical Trials and Machine Learning
Student Seminar Series: Group Discussion on Attending Conferences
Department Seminar Series: Lihong Li, Multi-World Testing: Unbiased Offline Evaluation in Contextual Bandits
January 2014
Department Seminar Series: Joe Guiness, Fast Matrix-Free Methods for Massive Multivariate Spatial Lattice Data
Student Seminar Series: Juan Shen, Model-based Inference for Subgroup Analysis
Department Seminar Series: Eric Lock, Exploratory Methods for the Intgrated Analysis of Multi-Source Data
Department Seminar Series: Po-Ling Loh, Nonconvex Methods for High-dimensional Regression with Noisy and Missing Data
Student Seminar Series: Bobby Yuen, Estimating Stochastic Upper Bounds on Multivariate Extremes
Department Seminar Series: Richard Sutton, Ph.D., Mind and Data: Learning to Predict Long-term Consequences Efficiently
Department Seminar Series: Vinayak Rao, Stochastic Processes for Point Pattern Data
Department Seminar Series: Tamara Broderick, Feature Allocations, Paintboxes, and Probability Functions
Student Seminar Series: Ashkan Ertefaie, Constructing Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regimes from Longitudinal Data in Observational Study
Department Seminar Series: Fan Yang, Using Post-Quality of Life Measurement Information
Dissertation Defense: Zhanyang Zhang
December 2013
Department Seminar Series: Guang Chen, Ph.D., A Long March Towards Joint Asymptotics: My 1st Steps...
Distinguished Faculty & Graduate Seminar Series: Mary Czerwinski, Ph.D., Emotion Tracking and Interventions for Memory, Health and Awareness
Student Seminar Series: Jing Ma, Network Enrichment Analysis with Incomplete Network Information
An International Year of Statistics Event: Michael Traugott, Ph.D., Estimating Election Outcomes with Different Statistical Methods
November 2013
Department Seminar Series: Sumanta Basu, Estimation in High-dimensional Vector Autoregressive Models
Student Seminar Series: Annual Reports
Department Seminar Series: Arash Amini, Ph.D., Pseudo-likelihood methods for community detection in large sparse networks
Department Seminar Series: Laura Balzano, Ph.D., Subspace Estimation and Tracking when Data are Missing and Corrupted
Seminar Series: Stationarity and Random Locations
October 2013
Chia Chye Yee
Seminar Series: Covariance Assisted Screening and Estimation
Student Seminar: Annual Reports
2013 Intl Year of Statistics Event: Learning Analytics - Using Data to Inform Teaching and Personalize Learning
Seminar Series: Covariance functions for mean square differentiable processes on spheres
Seminar Series: Belief Propagation and Phase Transitions in the Stochastic Block Model
Seminar Series: Graph estimation with matrix variate normal instances
Jayaram Sethuraman
Student Seminar:
September 2013
Michael Hudgens
Student Seminar: Internship Panel Discussion
Art Owen
Student Seminar: Special Student Invited Speaker
Brenda Gunderson
Seyoung Park
Sougata Chaudhuri
Hossein Keshavarz
Bin Yu
Yiwei Zhang
Yuan Zhang
August 2013
Josh Errickson
Adam Sales
Atul Mallik
April 2013
Statistics Seminar: Kjell Doksum
Student Seminar: Special Student Invited Speaker
Statistics Seminar: Peter Hall
Statistics Seminar: Hui Zhou
Student Seminar: Zhaoshi (Josh) Meng
Statistics Seminar: Jef Teugels
Student Seminar: Arash Amini
March 2013
Statistics Seminar: Harrison Zhou
Student Seminar: Annual Report 4
Statistics Seminar: The Lasso: Some Novel Algorithms and Applications
Statistics Seminar: Ravi Ramamoorthi
Statistics Seminar: Piotr Kokoszka
February 2013
Statistics Seminar: Nonparametric Spatial Models for Extremes: Application to Extreme Temperature Data
January 2013
Donggeng Xia
Can Le
Naveen Naidu Narisetty
Juan Zhang
James Henderson
Dao Nguyen
December 2012
Sandipan Roy
Huitian Lei
November 2012
Zhen Wang
September 2012
Sahar Zangeneh
Juan Shen
Jing Ma
July 2012
Cen Guo
May 2012
Yunpeng Zhao
April 2012
Kohinoor Dasgupta
Toshiya Hoshikawa
Xi Lu
Joel Vaughan
Michael Woodroofe Lecture Series: Peter Buhlmann, Predicting Causal Effects in High-Dimenionsal Settings
Yun Li
Yizao Wang
January 2012
Robert Yuen
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