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Economic Sociology and Organizations (ESO) Workshop

Tuesday, February 11, 2025
3:00-4:30 PM
4147 LSA Building Map
Winter 2025 Line-up:

1/14: Ori Tamir, "The Performativity of Exchange Rates: How the Fed Floated the Dollar to Signal Price Stability"

1/28: Ruiling Li, "Leaving Without Betraying: Enduring Consent Post Career Exits in the Chinese Tech Industry"

2/11: Sarah Farr, "Moral Economy of Property and Collective Action in Mexico City"

2/25: Jonah Stuart Brundage, "Patrimonial and Settler-Capitalist Logics of Expansion in Early Modern Empires"

3/11: Subin Min, "The Role of Institutions to Facilitate Savings for Low-Income Families: A Qualitative Study of CollegeBound Saint Paul"

3/25: Mira Vale, "Strategic Ambiguity and the Ethics of AI in Digital Health"

4/8: Analidis Ochoa , "Blood Veins for Hire: Social Inequality and the Blood Plasma Industry."
Building: LSA Building
Event Type: Workshop / Seminar
Tags: Graduate Students
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Department of Sociology
Upcoming Dates: