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Webinar - "STEM Teaching Methods That Work"

Wednesday, March 13, 2013
4:00 AM
2165 USB (SLC Satellite)

The Science Learning Center will host a one-hour webinar offered by “Inside Higher Education” and supported by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU). The webinar will consist of a 30-minute presentation by Steve Benton, senior research officer at the IDEA Center, where he conducts reliability and validity studies.  A 30-minute question period will follow. Benton will explore the relationship between teaching methods and learning objectives in STEM education. Among the topics to be covered: Which learning objectives are emphasized in STEM classes? How much learning are students reporting on those learning objectives? Which teaching methods might be employed to support greater student learning? What are student and course characteristics in STEM courses? How can this analysis be used to improved the success and learning of students enrolled in STEM courses?

Refreshments will be served.

Register here

Steve Benton