Annemarie Toebosch is a Chomskyan linguist. She teaches and writes within a Chomskyan-inspired model of political and academic activism that challenges colonial power structures in the Dutch-speaking world and beyond. As director of the Dutch Studies program, she takes her students on a journey toward a decolonial language program, the first of its kind on our campus and a model for other language programs. Toebosch is director of Dutch Studies and affiliate faculty in Judaic Studies and in the Michigan Community Scholars Program. Teaching focus in language and culture courses: comparative Holocaust studies, decoloniality.
Selected Writings & Projects:
- "Dutch Studies: A Decolonial Revision", with Mars De Ritis, Tiffany Ng, Mieke Zuiderweg, Ton Broos, and Karla Vandersypen. Exhibit at the University of Michigan Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library. January 17-April 4, 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q08gjSF0DVs.
- Yom HaShoah address. Invited presentation at Yom HaShoah/Holocaust Observance, Beth Tikvah Congregation, Hoffman Estates, Illinois, USA, 6 April, 2021. (lsa.umich.edu/german/undergraduate-students/dutch-flemish-studies/yom-hashoah-address.html).
- “Transcending Borders to Global Authorship”. With Lucy Scott and Denice Gravenstijn, . In Shenandoah, The Peak. https://shenandoahliterary.org/thepeak/transcending-borders-to-global-authorship/. Text accompanying “Flame Trees”, translation by Lucy Scott and Denice Gravensijn of Vamba Sherif’s short story “Flamboyante Bomen”. June 2020.
- Translating Anti-Racism. Research working group with Olga Panteleeva, Tiffany Ng, Bryan Roby, Henrike Florusbosch, Larry Gant, Naomi André et al. Humanities Collaboratory, 5x5 Incubator Grant. https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/collaboratory/2020/02/03/translating-anti-racism/. University of Michigan 2019-2020.
- “Dutch Memorial Day: Erasing people after death.” In The Conversation. University of Michigan, 15 Aug. 2018. https://theconversation.com/dutch-memorial-day-erasing-people-after-death-97236. Translated into Bahasa Indonesia and reprinted in The Conversation – Indonesia on 17 Aug. 2018.