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Frankel Center for Judaic Studies
"Because learning leads to action"~Talmud Kiddushin 40b
Judaic Studies explores its key themes in an interdisciplinary fashion, using the tools of history, law, literature, and culture to investigate the broad sweep of nationhood, religion, language, and space.
Judaic Studies offers courses and degrees that help you engage in the world and plan for your future. Students examine the histories, cultures, and languages of the Jewish people. Working closely with distinguished faculty and prominent visitors, students develop individual responses to complex issues like religious faith, culutral pluralism, ethnic identity, and migration.
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Jews, the Academy, and Antisemitism: How and What Should We Study?
Guest Lecturer: Riv-Ellen Prell (University of Minnesota Twin Cities)
6:00 PM
Michigan Room
Michigan League
Symposium on Critical Transgender Studies
Annual Frankel Institute Symposia
10:30 AM
Koessler Room
Michigan League
Wieseneck Symposium on Queer Israeli Culture
Presented by the Frankel Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies
11:00 AM
East Conference Room
Rackham Graduate School (Horace H.)