Funding is available for all declared Judaic Studies Graduate Certificate students as outlined in the following three categories.
Please review UM Travel Restrictions if considering travel to Israel.
1) Graduate Students who are recruited to PhD granting departments are eligible for the Todd M. Endelman and Zvi Y. Gitelman fellowships. These fellowships provide five-year funding packages to incoming PhD students and require the completion of the Judaic Studies Gradate Certificate. The fellowships provide funding for tuition, stipend, and grad care benefits in years one, four, and five from Judaic Studies and graduate student instructor (GSI) support in years two and three from the PhD awarding unit. In addition, a $1,000 fellowship is offered in years one through five and $6,000 of summer research funding is provided in years one through four from Judaic Studies. Fellowship recipients are also eligible to apply for conference attendance support. Requests are limited to two per academic year (Fall, Winter, Spring/Summer) and are capped up to $1,000 per request for domestic and $2,000 per request for international.
2) Graduate Certificate students not funded through the Todd M. Endelman and Zvi Y. Gitelman Fellowships will receive a $12,000 stipend payable in three allocations of $4,000 each per academic year. Funding allocations will be processed, at the request of the student, during any year of the student’s Graduate Certificate studies. Students will need to provide a short description for the use of the funds in order for the Judaic Studies program to properly allocate the funds. Graduate Certificate students are also eligible to apply for conference attendance support. Requests are limited to two per academic year (Fall, Winter, Spring/Summer) and are capped up to $1,000 per request for domestic and $2,000 per request for international. Please note, the $4,000 allocation for that year must be exhausted before you can receive conference funding support.
3) Graduate Students are eligible to apply for additional funding such as the Stanley Frankel Summer Travel Fellowship and the Marshall Weinberg Endowed Fund for up to $5,000 per request as outlined below.
A. Graduate Students who have received the Todd M. Endelman and Zvi Y. Gitelman fellowships who are in their fifth year or later.
B. Graduate Certificate Students who have exhausted the $12,000 stipend mentioned above.
o Stanley Frankel Summer Travel Fellowship provides support for students traveling to Israel, Europe, or Latin America. Students pursuing dissertation research in archives or libraries, advanced language training, archaeological excavations, scholarly workshops, or social welfare and cultural reconstruction projects in communities recovering from political oppression and economic crises.
o Marshall Weinberg Endowed Fund for Graduate Students provides discretionary funds to supports research and associated activities, such as materials, conference attendance, fellowships to aid completion of theses, and language study.