William Haber Professor of Modern Jewish History Emeritus
Office Information:
1029 Tisch, 1003
phone: 734.764.6305
Judaic Studies;
Ph.D., Harvard University
M.A., Harvard University
B.H.L, Hebrew Union College
B.A., University of Claifornia, Berkley
William Haber Professor of Modern Jewish History
William Haber was a major figure in the rebuilding of European Jewry after World War II, as well as a former dean of the College of LSA. Haber served as chair and board member of many international, national, and local organizations. The Haber professorship is supported by endowment funds of the Frankel Center. The incumbent of the Haber professorship is Todd M. Endelman an historian whose work focuses on British Jews in the modern era.
Research Areas(s)