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Octavia Butler Week | March 21 - 25, 2022
Octavia Butler was a renowned African American author who received a MacArthur “Genius” Grant and PEN West Lifetime Achievement Award for her body of work. With Octavia Butler Week, we aim to explore the work and legacy of this visionary writer. It’s part of a larger series of events that include a community read, a multimedia performance, an open-mic night, and additional events that together comprise Parable Path A2Ypsi.
Culminating Parable Path A2Ypsi is Toshi Reagon and Bernice Johnson Reagon’s genre-defying musical adaptation of Octavia E. Butler’s novel Parable of the Sower. UMS will present this powerful performance March 25-27, 2022 at the Power Center in Ann Arbor. Tickets and info at ums.org.
Octavia Butler Week Events
Octavia’s Spaces in Community Places Scavenger Hunt
Monday, March 14 thru Friday, March 25
Take a journey with the characters from Octavia Butler’s novel Parable of the Sower and join the Institute for the Humanities’ Public Intern’s Scavenger Hunt! As a part of Octavia Butler Week, Octavia’s Spaces in Community Places is an opportunity for students to engage with the messages in the novel, and a chance to win a prize! All are welcome to participate and to learn more about the additional upcoming events planned for Octavia Butler Week. To participate, download the GooseChase app to your phone and enter code QEQM8G. Earn 4000 points in the game and you will win a copy of Parable of the Sower!
CANCELLEDAlexis Pauline Gumbs in conversation with Toshi Reagon
Monday, March 21, Rackham Amphitheatre, 5:30pm
Regretfully, the talk between Toshi Reagon and Alexis Pauline Gumbs has been canceled. Please join us for other Octavia Butler Week and Parable Path events this week.
Reading Octavia Butler: A Panel Discussion
Tuesday, March 22, Rackham East Conference Room, 5pm
A discussion of Octavia Butler's enduring influence as a writer, thinker, and creator. Featuring U-M faculty Bénédicte Boisseron, Jeremy Glover, Aliyah Khan, Ebony Elizabeth Thomas, Antoine Traisnel.
Parable Paint Night
Tuesday, March 22, Institute for the Humanities, 7-8:30pm
Come join us as we spend an evening creating art centered around themes of Afrofuturism, climate activism, and science fiction. All materials will be provided. Open to all members of the undergraduate community! Co-sponsored by the Institute for the Humanities Public Humanities Interns and the Black Student Union.
Art & Afrofuturism Virtual Panel
Wednesday, March 23, via Zoom, 5pm
An exploration of Afrofuturism in a variety of art forms, including music, literature, film, video, and the visual arts. Featuring Naomi Andre, Tananarive Due, John Jennings, and Susana Morris. Moderated by Christopher Audain. Co-presented with the U-M Arts Initiative. Click here to register for the Zoom link.
Treats for the Trail
Thursday, March 24, 1-3pm, Location TBA
In partnership with MDining, the Institute for the Humanities Public Interns are hosting a DIY Trail-Mix Station as a part of Octavia Butler Week. Stop by and make yourself a healthy snack, inspired by the themes of food accessibility and sustainability in Butler’s work. Additionally, there will be giveaways and further information on upcoming events, so bring your friends! Open to all!