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Summer Faculty Fellowships

Applications for the 2025 summer faculty fellowship are now closed.

The Institute for the Humanities' Summer Fellowship program supports an intellectual community of tenured/tenure-track and lecturer II/III/IV faculty to spend five weeks (June 2 - July 2, 2025)  in residence in the institute. Summer fellows will pursue their research and participate in nine cross-disciplinary seminars coordinated by the institute's director. We seek applicants working in humanities research areas who demonstrate capacity to contribute to and gain from interdisciplinary exchange through the summer fellows' seminar.

Summer Faculty Fellowship

Fellows will receive $8,000 in additional pay or research funds; each fellow will have the use of a private office at the institute and access to the resources of the Institute.


  1. Applicants must hold a full-time, tenured/tenure-track or a lecturer II/III/IV position with a 75% or more averaged appointment on the Ann Arbor campus during the regular (September – April/May) academic year. (Full time for Lecturer II/III/IV faculty is defined in accordance with MOU #3 of LEO-UM contract which states "Employees whose appointment effort during the fall and winter semesters averages at least 75% in both the fall and winter semesters.")
  2. Incoming, newly hired faculty, are not eligible to apply.
  3. Faculty who have already held a Humanities Institute Michigan Faculty Fellowship are eligible to apply six years after the end of their earlier award.
  4. Faculty who will be a Humanities Institute Michigan Faculty Fellow in the current or following year are not eligible to apply.
  5. In winter 2025, faculty may not apply for both the summer fellowship and the year-long fellowship.
  6. Faculty and lecturers may not hold a teaching appointment during spring term of the fellowship if awarded a Humanities Institute Summer Fellowship.
  7. Prospective applicants must consult with their chairs or deans about unit policies and expectations regarding leaves and fellowships before applying.
  8. Applicants must notify the head(s) of the unit(s) in which they hold funded appointments of their intention to apply for a Humanities Institute Summer Fellowship.
  9. Summer Faculty Fellows become eligible to apply for a Michigan Faculty Fellowship one year after the end of their award (for example, 2025 Summer Faculty Fellows are eligible to apply for a Michigan Faculty Fellowship for the 2026-27 academic year).

Selection Criteria

The selection committee looks for applicants and projects that will benefit from and contribute to the interdisciplinary nature of the group of fellows and the work of the fellows seminar. It seeks to achieve variety and balance in the disciplines represented by the fellows. 

Projects are judged based on (A) promise and significance of the proposed research project; (B) the humanities and arts content of the project; (C) the quality, significance, and breadth of the applicant’s prior work.


  1. Faculty fellows must be in residence, in person, at the Humanities Institute during spring term 2025.
  2. Faculty fellows must attend and participate in all of the scheduled two-hour Fellows’ Seminars. 
  3. Faculty fellows are required to present their work during one Fellows’ Seminar.

Application Process

Required Elements of the Application 

  1. Institute for the Humanities Faculty Fellowship Application Cover Sheet (within Interfolio application)
  2. Curriculum vitae (long or short form is acceptable)
  3. Project description (no more than 1000 words)
  4. Personal statement describing career trajectory and how the Institute for the Humanities fellowship will support the proposed research (no more than 250 words)
  5. Writing sample (such as articles or chapters of books no more than 6000 words, excluding footnotes and bibliography) or scholarly work sample (creative work such as audio/visual aids or portfolio placed on a website with the URL provided as a file)
  6.  Acknowledgement/Application Form signed by the head(s) of the unit(s) in which you hold funded appointments (upload with other application materials)
  7. Please note that recommendation letters are no longer required

The selection committee will consider only those applications that are complete and that adhere to the specified word and page limits. 

The application deadline is January 31, 2025 at 5pm.

Applicants will be notified in March 2025.