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Norman Freehling Visiting Professorship

The Norman Freehling Visiting Professorship was established in 1987 by a generous gift from Mrs. Edna Freehling in honor of her husband. This prestigious fellowship provides funding for a visiting scholar conducting humanities related research to be in residence at the institute for up to one year.  Scholars are invited to the institute by the director based on recommendations by the institute's executive committee and humanities faculty.

Norman Freehling Visiting Professors at the University of Michigan

2024-25 Jacob Lederman, University of Michigan, Flint, Sociology
Winter 2024 Jodi Melamed, Marquette University, English
Winter 2023 Susana Morris, Georgia Institute of Technology, Literature, Media & Communication 
Winter 2022 Chandan Reddy, University of Washington, Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies
Fall 2021
Elizabeth DePalma Digeser, University of California, Santa Barbara, History
Winter 2020 Sara McDougall, City University of New York, History
Fall 2019 Daniel Y. Kim, Brown University, English
Fall 2018 Sam White, The Ohio State University, History
Winter 2017 Anne Lafont, University of Paris-Marne la Vallee, Art History
2015-16 Marjorie Rubright, University of Toronto, English
Winter 2015 Laura Kuhn, Bard College, Performance Art
Fall 2012 David Mitchell, Temple University, Education
2011-12 Uwem Akpen, Nigeria, Writer
2009-10 Jean Hebrard, Ecole de Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, History
2007-08 Haiping Yan, UCLA and East China Normal University, Theater
2005-06 Marian Hobson, University of London, French
2004-05 Sarah Thomasine Beckwith, Duke University, English and Religious Studies
2003-04 Denise Riley, University of E. Anglia, English & American Studies
2002-03 John Baines, University of Oxford, Egyptology
2001-02 Gayle Rubin, University of Michigan, Anthropology
2000-01 Felipe Ortega, New Mexico,  Potter
1999-2000 Anne Carson, McGill University, Classics
Fall 1998 Carole Bier, Textile Museum, East Hemisphere Collections
Fall 1997 Alain Boureau, Ecole des Hautes Etudes in Sciences Sociales (Paris), History
Winter 1996 Victor Nell, University of South Africa, Psychology
Fall 1996 Simon Goldhill, Cambridge University, Classics
Fall 1995 Susan McClary, University of California Los Angeles, Musicology
Winter 1994 Arjun Appadurai, University of Chicago, Anthropology
Fall 1994 Richard Lanham, University of California Los Angeles, English
Fall 1993 Billie Melman, Tel Aviv University, History
1992-93 Carol Neely, University of Illinois, English and Women's Studies
1991-92 Sidra Ezrahi, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Comparative Literature
1990-91 Thomas Laqueur, University of California Berkeley, History
Winter 1990 Donald McCloskey, University of Iowa, Economics
Fall 1989 Alvin Kernan, Princeton, English
1988-89 A.K Ramanujan, University of Chicago, South Asian Languages and Civilizations