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Science, Technology & Medicine

Many faculty in the Department of History teach and write about the history of science, technology, and medicine, in fields ranging from ancient China to modern Europe, modern Africa, and the United States.  This group combines a nationally top-ranked cohort of medical historians with a dynamic new Science, Technology and Society Program (STS).  History faculty comprise most of the leadership of campus-wide interdisciplinary units in this field, including the Program in Society and Medicine’s medical history group, the Center for the History of Medicine, and the STS Program.  Their work emphasizes the study of the dynamic interrelationship of sciences, technologies, and cultures over time, an approach facilitated by the high degree of integration within History and other core departments.

Click here for information about the U-M Historical Health Films Collection.

Richard A. Bachmann
Doctoral Candidate in History
1631 Haven Hall
505 E State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Deirdre de la Cruz
Associate Professor
Director, Doctoral Program in Anthropology & History
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
6167 South Thayer Building 734.615.8504
Will Glover
Department Chair
1029G Tisch Hall
2664 Haven

For appointments, please get in touch with executive assistant Teresa Stokes
Joel D. Howell
Elizabeth Farrand Professor Emeritus of History, Internal Medicine, and Health Management & Policy
2512 Haven Hall 734.615.8341
Powel H. Kazanjian
Professor of Internal Medicine, Medical School; Epidemiology, School of Public Health; History
3119 Taubman Center 734.936.5205
Howard Markel
George E. Wantz Distinguished Professor of the History of Medicine; Director, Center for the History of Medicine
Isaac Mier
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
Yizeng Wei
Doctoral Student in History and Women's and Gender Studies
Yi-Li Wu
Associate Professor of History and Women's and Gender Studies
2203 Lane Hall