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German Chancellor Fellowship for Prospective Leaders 2013-2014

Monday, October 15, 2012
4:00 AM

(Application Deadline)

Application Requirements:
* Citizenship of the United States, the Russian Federation or the People's Republic of China
* Bachelor's or comparable academic degree, completed less than twelve years prior to the starting date of the fellowship (1 September of the year following application)
* Demonstrated leadership potential; applicants whose background is largely academic should also have gained some leadership experience beyond their own research activities * Either English or German language skills
* Project plan (approx. 5 pages) detailing the project's subject matter, goals and a time plan; the candidate must draw up the project plan independently and secure the support of the proposed mentor before submitting an application
* A detailed host's statement, including a confirmation of support
* Two or three expert opinions from individuals qualified to comment on the candidate's professional, personal, and/or academic background
Applicants who have spent more than six months outside of their home countries at the time of, or shortly before, application should contact the Humboldt Foundation ( in advance to ascertain whether they may be ineligible to apply on formal grounds."
For more information go to: