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WCEE Faculty Grants

The Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia (WCEE) seeks proposals for research projects from faculty affiliates of WCEE and its centers: the Center for Russia, East European, and Eurasian Studies (CREES); and Copernicus Center for Polish Studies (CCPS). 

  • Funding priority will go to individuals who have not previously received support. The most competitive proposals will demonstrate cost-sharing with other units, and in general an appropriate interval should pass between repeated applications for support.
  • Support is available up to a maximum of $5000; not all grants will be that large.
  • Grants can be used for, but are not limited to faculty research projects, translation work not covered by UMOR’s publication subvention, or e-Gif cost-sharing.
  • Funds cannot be used for salary support, course release, equipment purchases, or expenses related to publication subventions covered by UMOR.

Deadlines for submission of proposals are October 15 and February 15

Read more and apply.

Other Requests

The CCPS Director will consider other requests for modest funding from CCPS Faculty Associates.