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Culture of Medicine Club Discussion Series. A Societal Tumor: Inequality in Cancer Care

Wednesday, February 18, 2015
5:00 AM
2427 Mason Hall

Dr. Sofia Merajver is Scientific Director of the Breast Cancer Program and Director of the Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk Evaluation Program at the UM Comprehensive Cancer Center, and professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology. She is engaged in the biomedical and sociocultural aspects of cancer research. Dr. Merajver will present about cultural determinants of inequalities in cancer manifestations and treatment. She is excited to share her perspectives on global health from a medical, research, and public health activist (saludista) perspective with students. Dr. Merajver currently teaches INTMED/INTLSTD 387.001 Topics in Global Environment and Health: Implementation Solution for Global Health Equity.
Pizza will be served. This event is co-sponsored by The Culture of Medicine Club.
