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PICS Career Event: Internships in India

Friday, September 12, 2014
4:00 AM
SSWB/International Institute--ECC Room, 1st Floor

Co-Sponsored by LSA Development, Mr. Kelley Rea, and Mrs. Mary Jean Jecklin


  • Rachna Dushyant Singh will discuss the internship opportunities available with the non-governmental organization ANKURI
  • Carly Alvarez will give a short presentation about her experience at Ankuri
  • Raul Roman, co-founder of UBELONG, will give a short presentation 



Located in India, the Agency for Non Konventional Urban Rural Initiatives (Ankuri) empowers rural women through income generation, alleviation of poverty, promotion of health, education, and the full participation of women and children in Uttrakhand society. The organization’s mission is to empower village women to become economically self –sufficient, enabling them to be decision makers in their families--thus improving the health and education of their children. You can learn more about this organization and its work HERE

About the speakers:

Rachna Dushyant Singh belongs to the Himalayan state of Uttrakhand.  She is widely traveled, with over 20 years of experience in community work, corporate communications and teaching.  She has an insight into India and its amazing resources, as she moved constantly with her father all over India. A blend of different cultures and identities helped her in evolving as a more aware human being and in developing certain key skills.  Rachna completed her M.Phil degree in Linguisticsfrom the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. She traveled to Hong Kong, to teach at the Baptist College, University of Hong Kong. She writes on cultural and womens issues for travel magazines.  She has given lectures on ‘Communication Skills’ at the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.

Carly Alvarez was first introduced to ANKURI in September of 2012. After receiving her B.A. in International Relations from the University of San Diego, she traveled to Dehradun to volunteer for ANKURI's literacy center. Carly spent two months tutoring and developing curriculum for the literacy center, teaching English lessons daily. From the US, Carly helps ANKURI coordinate future volunteer trips and plans on returning to work at the literacy center this year. Carly currently lives in Boston, MA conducting political research for the Albert Einstein Institution.

Raul Roman has over 15 years of experience in international development work. Before UBELONG, he developed a distinguished career serving different United Nations agencies and other leading international organizations, governments, corporations and non-profits in more than 25 countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America. Raul earned a Ph.D. in international development at Cornell. He's a bit of a renaissance man: innovation "laborer", entrepreneur, scientist, educator. On Monday evenings, he teaches at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins in DC, where he's a member of its world-class faculty since 2008.

Emily Preuss, (Senior, LSA), worked with a community-based NGO, Jeevika Development Society in Kolkata, India,  during summer 2014.

Lucia Ceroni, (Junior, Nursing),  interned at Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement, in Bangalore, India, during summer 2014. 


This event is co-sponsored by: LSA Development, Mr. Kelley Rea, and Mrs. Mary Jean Jecklin

Rachna Dushyant Singh