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2024 PICS Summer Fellows

Rena Foo
BA International Studies (International Security, Norms, and Cooperation)
Internship with the Ottawa Internship Program

This past summer, I participated in the Ottawa Internship Program, an internship/study abroad program run by the University of Michigan–Dearborn. Students work as legislative staffers for a Member of Parliament (MP) in Canada’s capital city. It is the oldest American internship program operating in Canada, highly regarded by Canadian legislators. The moment my French professor told my class about the opportunity, I knew I wanted to apply: not only because I grew up in Canada, but because it aligned with my academic and professional goals perfectly. Due to Canada’s strict work-study laws, the internship was unpaid, which is a primary factor in why placements with MPs are possible in the first place. The funding I received from the Longwood Fellowship Fund alleviated significant financial pressure and made it possible for me to pursue this extraordinary foreign governance experience over the summer.

From May 6 to June 7, I interned in the office of M.P. Brad Redekopp from Saskatoon West, Saskatchewan. The district includes downtown, suburbs to the north, and rural communities near the boundaries. Many of its residents are blue-collar workers in Saskatchewan’s largest industries, such as agriculture, mining, oil and gas extraction, and manufacturing. My MP’s office experienced a healthy combination of restless days and peaceful downtime. Redekopp is Vice-Chair of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration (CIMM), which occupied most of his official legislative and policy work. Although I’ve lived in Canada for nearly my entire life, the hustle, energy, and fiery debate in Ottawa was nothing like my quiet hometown in southern Ontario.

My two primary tasks were policy research and constituency correspondence. For policy research, I examined proposed amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, crime in the district, and national drug policy. The largest project I completed was a 6-page compare-and-contrast case study on Oregon’s drug decriminalization and harm reduction experiment, specifically why it failed, future directives, and its implications for Saskatchewan and Canada. I occasionally received situational tasks, such as vetting a German delegation that visited CIMM for an informal lunch or requesting court records for recent homicides in Saskatoon. My research ensured my office’s messaging was backed by reliable and compelling information, using real-world examples and accurate statistics. For correspondence, I drafted and replied to emails and letters from constituents. Their concerns were overwhelmingly diverse: climate change, online censorship, natural health products, an extension of the in-person work week for public servants, cost of living—the list went on. Constituency correspondence was the only type of work I did that directly impacted people, not just politics, so I am grateful I helped maintain a line of communication between Ottawa and Saskatoon.

My passion for international politics is unwavering and this experience has made me seriously consider working in public service as a full-time legislative staffer before law school. I am immensely grateful to my office, the program, PICS, and the Longwood Fellow Fund for supporting my academic, professional, and personal ambitions—I never would have imagined having such a rewarding, once-in-a-lifetime internship after my freshman year.

Abigail Goodman
Major in International Studies & Middle Eastern Studies
Class of 2025

I had a great time working at UN Watch and note-taking at the UN this summer. My three month internship gave me valuable insight into the world of NGOs and think tanks, and taught me the ins and outs of how the United Nations operates.

It was an absolute pleasure to put my international studies education into practice this summer. Too often, we don’t have the opportunity to take what we learn in the classroom and apply it to real-life situations. Hearing people from all over the world, in all types of situations, and with such diverse perspectives speak at the UN taught me not to take my cultural standpoint for granted. What I consider to be true from my limited perspective is not necessarily correct. We should all strive to think critically about our implicit assumptions before acting on them. 

I thank Ms. Amy Rose Silverman for her generous contribution to advancing my educational and professional goals this summer.

Aditya Kalahasti
BA International Studies
Internship with the Ottawa Internship Program

My experience in Ottawa, interning for Member of Parliament (MP) Ali Ehsassi from Willowdale, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, was a significant addition to my international studies education. One element of this experiential learning was in simple knowledge. Experiencing how a parliamentary system works on a day-to-day basis was a fantastic experience, and being able to see from the inside how an MP makes decisions, navigates the politics of committee, and overall works to better the lives of his constituents was fascinating and enjoyable at the same time. I’ve previously worked in the US Senate, and frankly it felt incredibly bureaucratic to work in it with little connection between daily government affairs and what was happening in the broader US and world. This felt more responsive to events happening in real-time, whether it was the Ukraine War being discussed in foreign affairs committee or Israel and Palestine. This internship helped me understand government administration in a different way, as it made me want to work abroad and in foreign affairs more so than any internship I’ve previously had, and it has undoubtedly made a strong impact on me. 

The knowledge that I’ve gained in international studies classes has been invaluable in this as well. Partly as indicated by the above, my first week in the office was extremely fast-paced. Even on my first day, I had to create a briefing on the Georgian Dream Party and a

new draft bill they had introduced on foreign agents that was seen as highly controversial for a Subcommittee on International Human Rights (SDIR) committee meeting, in spite of never having learnt about the topic or knowing about the subcommittee prior to arriving in the office. This task became a frequent one that I did for my MP, as each committee meeting had different witness panels and making witness briefs (or topic briefs) was helpful for my MP who rarely had time in the day to do research. This was also helpful for my staffer, since it freed up some of his daily work burden and allowed him to focus on more direct assistance to the MP. I prepared briefs for the Foreign Affairs and International Development (FAAE) committee, for the CACN (Canada-China committee) and even for when my MP participated in a study on Islamophobia for the Justice (JUST) committee. In terms of my PICS education, I contextualized the trends that I’ve learnt about in classes on reconstruction, or modern-day colonialism, as I was able to see them play out in real life. 

The primary usefulness of this internship was to provide experiential learning, and the PICS program well-prepared me for it. As many classes encourage students to understand important issues from an alternative perspective of another country or organization, and to understand their motivations, this tool came in very useful in my internship. It was important to remember that I was not working on behalf of the US government, and on behalf of Canada. This meant that any reports, or briefs that I did had to primarily focus on Canada’s interests as opposed to a different organization or group. This is where my PICS education came primarily in handy, as I had already been trained to do this.

Berelian Karimian
BA International Studies and Computer Science
Internship with JPMorgan Chase

This summer, I completed an internship with JPMorgan Chase as a software engineer. I currently study International Studies and Computer Science to find an overlap between my two disciplines. I hope to solve our society’s most pressing issues with the use of artificial intelligence, and my internship provided me with the training to better my understanding of artificial intelligence and machine learning through an intensive, multidisciplinary project.

While developing my Python programming skills, I also became more familiar with natural language processing techniques and concepts, applicable to a multitude of problem statements, and often used for detecting and reducing the spread of misinformation. I was able to apply the concepts I learned in my machine learning class at the University of Michigan to the project I was working on and to gain a deeper understanding of them through actual application rather than just theory.

The project I worked on consists of a larger email classification pipeline that aims to analyze commercial banking emails that JPMorgan receives. The task is to be able to process these emails, recognize the requests the emails call for, and to send them to the correct department to deal with the request implementation. My role in this pipeline was the email preprocessing step where I reduced noise from our data to make classification more effective and accurate. By removing irrelevant information in the emails such as signatures and disclaimers, the classification model can focus on the relevant information that gives insight into the request type of the email. This step in the pipeline is not only applicable to our project but can be widely used across the firm in any email cleaning-related project.

During my time at JPMC, I was also able to make lasting connections with people across different lines of business. I specifically got in touch with the head of the Development Finance Institution at JPMC, which works on ethical development projects, keeping social impact at the heart of their projects and initiatives. Because my subplan for International Studies is Political Economy and Development, this program at JPMorgan was really interesting to me and I would like to further explore how AI could more effectively ensure that developing communities benefit from programs like this. When it comes to financial development institutions, they can often forget about and take advantage of the communities they are working with; therefore, keeping impact and the communities’ best interest in mind is crucial in successful development initiatives, and AI could play a great role in the progression of this relationship. I would like to keep having conversations with people and organizations with these values, to find how my skills and interests apply to their goals.

In terms of the progression of my time at JPMC, I will continue working on these projects this coming semester and next summer, as I have been granted a return offer. I have been given a new problem statement that focuses on building a machine translation tool for multilingual email data, relating more to my international studies interests and hopefully resulting in more conversations about bringing the use of my projects into the global sphere.

I would like to thank the Program in International and Comparative Studies for granting me the International Studies Internship Fellowship and making this summer possible. I had an extremely positive and educationally enriching experience that not only provided me with the connections I need to continue my work in international affairs but also the AI skills I need to solve international issues I am passionate about. By alleviating the burden of accommodation and transportation, I was able to fully focus my efforts on learning from experts around the firm and building my final project for production. I am grateful for the opportunity to complete this experience and the resources I was granted to make my summer a reality.

Amanda Meninga
BA International Studies
Internship in Dublin, Ireland

I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for the generous scholarship support that has  enabled me to pursue a truly transformative experience abroad this past summer. Your  contributions played a pivotal role in my ability to fully engage in the opportunities that  presented themselves, both emotionally and financially.  

With your support, I was able to accept an internship in Dublin, Ireland, where I had the  privilege of working with an international NGO. This experience provided me invaluable insight  into the dynamics of global nonprofit work, which aligns closely with my academic and career  aspirations. Though unpaid, I was able to take the necessary time off from my studies to immerse  myself in this environment, without the constant worry of financial strain. The knowledge I  gained about the field and the people I encountered has deeply influenced my perspective on  international development.  

Beyond the professional scope, my time in Dublin was equally impactful on a personal level. I  had the opportunity to meet individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds, forge meaningful  connections, and even travel to neighboring countries. These experiences helped me develop a  broader worldview and contributed to my growth both as a student and as a global citizen. The  summer was a period of self-reflection, and I emerged from it with renewed energy and clarity of  purpose.  

I cannot overstate the importance of this scholarship in making my experience possible, and I am  incredibly grateful to you all for the role you played in it. It has truly been a pivotal moment in  my academic journey, and I look forward to applying what I have learned as I continue my  studies.  

Thank you once again for your generosity and belief in students like me. 

Jordyn Sienkiewicz
BA International Studies
Internship in Barcelona, Spain

I am deeply grateful to the Program in International and Comparative Studies (PICS) for awarding me the 2024 Longwood Summer Internship Grant, which made my immersive cultural experience in Spain and other parts of Europe possible. The grant significantly alleviated the financial stress of covering daily living expenses such as food and beverages and allowed me to travel to various places. This support enabled me to focus on my studies, cultural exploration, and personal growth.

The summer abroad also enabled me to significantly improve my language skills. I made a continuous and conscious effort to speak Spanish more than English in public settings, which included introducing myself to locals, tourists, and cab drivers. These interactions not only helped me become more fluent but also allowed me to connect more authentically with the people around me. Through these conversations, I learned about the government and public opinion on politics, giving me a much more holistic understanding of Spanish affairs. I also learned about the history of Catalonia and the tensions between Catalonia and Spain, which provided valuable context for understanding the regional dynamics I observed. This linguistic and cultural immersion was a crucial part of my experience, as it allowed me to engage more deeply with the communities I was living in.

One of the most impactful aspects of my time abroad was the opportunity for deep cultural immersion. With the support of the grant, I was able to visit iconic sites such as the Sagrada Familia and hike to Cumbre del Tibidabo in Barcelona, as well as see Michelangelo's David in Florence. These experiences not only filled me with amazement but also enriched my understanding of European history and its influence on contemporary culture. I also participated in local traditions and festivals, such as the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona and the vibrant Sant Joan celebration. Additionally, I took cooking classes where I learned to prepare traditional tapas in Valencia and pasta dishes in Italy, giving me a hands-on appreciation of the culinary arts that are so integral to these cultures. These cooking experiences provided a way to remember my time abroad every time I make and share these dishes. Through these experiences, I gained a deeper understanding of the historical and cultural factors that shape Europe today. While I knew I was not a local, it would feel like an injustice to call Barcelona a vacation—it feels like a second home to me.

Looking ahead, this experience has had a profound impact on my future academic and career goals. It has solidified my decision to pursue international relations in law school, as I now have a clearer vision of what a career in international work might look like. The firsthand experience of living and working abroad has made me feel more secure in my desire to build a future that involves working outside of the United States. Once again, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to PICS for their support. This experience has been pivotal in advancing my educational and career goals in international studies, and I am deeply appreciative of the opportunity.

Ashley Smith
BA International Studies
Internship with the Ottawa Internship Program

The International Studies Longwood Summer Internship Fellowship has been pivotal in advancing my educational and professional development in the field of International Studies. As a recipient of the fellowship, I had the incredible opportunity to intern at the Canadian Parliament, an experience that has significantly shaped my academic and career trajectory in ways I could have never imagined. This report reflects on how this fellowship has allowed me to grow, network, and access opportunities that were once out of reach, and how it continues to impact my future in International Studies. 

My internship at the Canadian Parliament was an extraordinary experience that allowed me to immerse myself in the heart of political processes, witnessing firsthand how policies are debated and shaped at a national level. Being in such an influential space, I was able to apply my academic knowledge of international relations, diplomacy, and political science in a real-world setting, enhancing my understanding of governmental operations on a global scale. The experience enriched my International Studies education by providing practical insight into the complexities of governance and diplomacy, both key elements of international relations. This hands-on exposure to political decision-making processes has broadened my perspective on the challenges and opportunities that arise in international cooperation. 

One of the most significant aspects of this internship was how it opened doors to future career possibilities that I would not have had access to without this fellowship. Working in the Canadian Parliament has given me an insider’s view of the inner workings of government and international diplomacy, positioning me for future roles in public service, international organizations, or diplomatic missions. It provided me with a foundation of experience that will be invaluable as I pursue a career in International Studies, particularly in areas like policy analysis, global governance, and international relations. This fellowship not only facilitated my entry into this exclusive arena but also continues to create avenues for future growth, providing a competitive edge that I wouldn't have otherwise. 

Beyond the professional skills and knowledge I gained, my time in the Canadian Parliament was also a period of immense personal growth. I found myself in an environment where I was able to thrive, often stepping out of my comfort zone and tackling tasks and responsibilities that challenged me to think critically and adapt quickly. This growth was not only intellectual but also personal, as I developed greater confidence in navigating high-stakes environments. I was able to contribute meaningfully in spaces where I often feel overshadowed, which has been empowering and reaffirming for my sense of self and professional identity. This experience gave me a sense of equal opportunity and allowed me to demonstrate my abilities and strengths in ways I had not been able to before. 

Networking was another crucial component of this experience. I had the opportunity to connect with professionals, lawmakers, and diplomats, all of whom have broadened my understanding of global issues and policy making. These relationships have not only expanded my professional network but have also introduced me to mentors and peers who are eager to support my future endeavors. The fellowship provided a platform for me to engage with individuals from diverse backgrounds, contributing to a richer understanding of global politics and international cooperation. 

In conclusion, the International Studies Summer Longwood Internship Fellowship has been a transformative experience for me. Interning at the Canadian Parliament allowed me to engage deeply with international political processes, experience personal and professional growth, and expand my network in ways that will continue to benefit my career. The fellowship has provided me with equal opportunities to excel in environments that have historically been challenging for me to navigate. Without this support, I would not have had the chance to participate in such an influential experience, nor would I have the wealth of opportunities that now lie ahead in my International Studies career.

Justin Weaver
BA International Studies
Internship with Cleveland Clinic International and Emerging Markets.

This summer, I had the opportunity to intern at Cleveland Clinic International and Emerging Markets. This hands-on experience was instrumental in deepening my understanding of international business and healthcare systems, directly aligning with my educational and career aspirations in International Studies. The support from the PICS Summer Longwood Internship fellowship was invaluable and enabled me to fully immerse myself in this opportunity. 

Specifically, the funding was utilized for food, housing, and a trip to Cleveland Clinic. The scholarship ensured that I could maintain a stable living situation, allowing me to focus entirely on my internship responsibilities without financial stress. Additionally, having the ability to travel to Cleveland Clinic and meet with the staff in person was a highlight of my experience. This trip facilitated deeper connections and provided insights into the organizational culture of the Clinic. 

The internship itself allowed me to gain skills and firsthand experience that I will be able to apply to future jobs. Engaging directly with international markets, specifically through my part in aiding Cleveland Clinics expansion into Nigeria, has enhanced my understanding of the intersection of business and global studies. It also enabled me to build relationships with professionals in the field and has opened up potential career opportunities that will guide my future endeavors. Furthermore, the analytical skills gained from my many projects utilizing excel will certainly be advantageous in my future career. 

In conclusion, the PICS Longwood summer internship fellowship has been instrumental in facilitating an internship experience that has significantly advanced my educational goals. I am deeply grateful for the support, which has allowed me to gain invaluable insights and skills that will benefit my academic journey and professional career in International Studies. Thank you once again for this incredible opportunity.