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Mariko Mori ~ "Oneness" ~ Penny W. Stamps Speaker Series

Thursday, October 6, 2011
4:00 AM
Michigan Theater, 603 East Liberty, Ann Arbor

For more information, visit:

“Oneness" is a consistent concept in Mariko Mori’s work - a world in which human beings are one with nature, where the rhythm of humanity moves in concert with that of the natural environment. Her current projects aim to evoke this memory in our consciousness and to celebrate the existing balance in nature, using themes of life, death, rebirth and the universe. Her large sculptures such as Tom Na Hiu (2006) and Plant Opal (2009), contain elements that interact with their natural environments. Mori's most recent project is Primal Rhythm, a monumental permanent installation at Seven Light Bay in Miyako Island, Okinawa. Presented by the School of Art & Design, the Department of Screen Arts & Cultures, the University of Michigan Museum of Art, and CJS.