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Waitlist Policy

Anthropology Department Waitlist Policy

  • All undergraduate Anthropology classes (ANTHRARC, ANTHRBIO, ANTHRCUL) will have waitlists available in Wolverine Access as soon as registration begins with the exception of large lecture/discussion classes, which will have a waitlist added after the lecture section is entirely full. If a student wishes to register for a closed Anthropology class they should add themselves to the waitlist on wolverine access.
  • Prior to the first day of classes, permissions will be issued to students on the waitlist by Anthropology department staff as spots open up in the class. Permissions granted before classes begin will expire one week from the issue date.
  • Permissions will be given first to anthropology majors and minors, then to the first non-major or non-minor on the list.
  • After the first day of classes, instructors will be given the opportunity to decide who receives a permission into their classes based on the instructor’s criteria, such as attendance, field of major, etc., and not necessarily on waitlist position. The instructor will apply his/her criteria consistently. Permissions granted after classes have begun will expire in 24 hours.
  • If the instructors do not notify department staff that they would like to control their own waitlists, then department staff will issue permissions based on anthropology major or minor status, then on waitlist position as spots open up in the class.
  • Students are notified by email when a permission has been issued.
  • If all students on a waitlist have been given an opportunity to enroll, but do not, they will be dropped from the waitlist by the Registrar’s Office. This will allow the class to open back up for registration.

As of 10/8/2015