We celebrate the achievements of our graduates. The career opportunities they have found after completing our PhD program are endless. Listed below are the last ten years of graduate placements. Although only recent graduates are listed at this time, we maintain information about all of our graduates. Please send updates about our alumni at anthro.grad.program@umich.edu.
Roxana Aras (Anthropology and History)
Orthodoxy as Way of Living: Religion, Sect, and Crisis in Lebanon
Yeon-Ju Bae (Linguistic)
Better Life, Better Nature: The Politics of Ethical Interaction in a Korean Buddhist Return-to-the-Farm Village
Andrew Bernard (Biological)
Primate distribution dynamics and the effects of contemporary climate change along an elevational gradient in Indonesian Borneo
Katie Berringer (Anthropology and Social Work)
Scales of Care: Reproducing LGBTQ+ Safety, Knowledge & Practice in Detroit
Kristen Conner (Anthropology and History)
States of the Sky: Meteorology and Rainmaking in Uganda, 1860-Present
Benjamin Finkel (Biological)
The challenges of senescence for adult male chimpanzees
Elliot Greiner (Biological)
Mammalian Paleoecology of the Tugen Hills Succession, Baringo Basin, Kenya
Vitalis Im (Anthropology and Social Work)
The Art of Negotiation: How Artmaking Practices Mediate Experiences of Violence in Michigan Prisons
James Meador (Linguistic)
Making Chinese Orthodox: Imperial Religion in Sino-Russian Contact
Swapna Nelaballi (Biological)
Exploring Fruit-Frugivore Interactions and Post-Dispersal Seed Fate of Large-Seeded Plants in the
Lowland Rainforests of Indonesian Borneo
Emma Nolan-Thomas (Anthropology and History)
Practicing the Prophet's Medicine: Health, Illness, and Islamic Therapeutics in Indonesia
Alex Norwood (Biological)
Novel approaches to ungulate enamel isotope analysis for the reconstruction of human paleoenvironments
Ronke Olawale (Anthropology and Social Work)
Ebola in Liberia: The Intersection of Culture, Care and Infectious Disease
Yeori Park (Sociocultural)
Tasteful Old Age:The Identity of the Aged Middle-Class, Nursing Home Tours, and Marketized Eldercare in China
Lauren Pratt (Archaeology)
Human Ecology in the Early Prehistory of the Eastern Andes, Peru
Richard Reinhardt (Anthropology and History)
'Subject in All Things’: Scenes of Conversion in the Capuchin-Franciscan Atlantic
Puninder Singh (Linguistic)
Linguistic Encounters: Language and Experience in Sikh Devotional Practice
Taylor Spencer (Biological)
Exploring Stress, Allostatic Load, and Disparities in Black Womxn's Reproductive Health
Kimberly Swisher (Archaeology)
The Averett Culture: Migration, Mississippianization, and Community Practice in the Lower Chattahoochee River Valley
Saquib Usman (Sociocultural)
Blindness and Water Divination in the Saharan West
Christine Chalifoux (Sociocultural)
Betrayal and Belonging: Kinship, Ethnicity, and Cosmopolitanism in Kampala
Miranda Nicole Cosman (Biological)
Trabecular and Cortical Skeletal Correlates of Locomotor Ontogeny in Pan with Comparisons to Skeletal Variation and Adaptation in Gorilla and Pongo
Timothy Everhart (Archaeology)
A Study of Scioto Hopewell Monuments and Monumentality
Nina Francis-Levin (Anthropology and Social Work)
Meta/Static Ethnography of Adolescent and young Adult oncofertility Research and Practice at a United States Hospital: Implications for Sexual and Gender Minorities
Elspeth Geiger (Archaeology)
Power and Provisions in Anishinaabewaki: Re-Contextualizing Human-Environment Interactions During the Great Lakes Fur Trade
Randeep Hothi (Anthropology and Asian Studies)
Sikh Television: Sovereignty, Religion, and Diaspora
Sheng Long (Sociocultural)
Numbering Land: The Mathematics of Geography and Subjectivity in Agrarian Reforms
Martin Menz (Archaeology)
Re-Assessing "Village Life" at Hunter-Gatherer Ceremonial Centers: Occupation at Letchworth Mounds (8JE337)
Ashley Marie Schubert (Archaeology)
Tradition and Transformation: Mississippian Households and Communities in the Appalachian Summit, AD 1200-1600
Sharmi Sen (Biological)
Dispersal and Male Reproductive Strategies in Wild Gelada (Theropithecus Gelada)
Omri Senderowicz (Anthropology and History)
From Society to Community: Privatizing the Israeli Kibbutz (1975-2020)
Visiting Assistant Professor and Israel Institute Teaching Fellow, University of Kansas
Magdalena Zegarra (Sociocultural)
Growing Old in the Margins: Care, Social Abandonment, Death, and Possibility among the Elderly Poor in Lima
Huatse Gyal (Sociocultural)
The Remaking of Home, Community, and Self: Rangeland Fencing, Resettlement, and the Resilience of Tibetan Pastoralists
Benjamin Hollenbach (Sociocultural)
All Are Welcome: Inclusion and Mainline Protestantism in the United States
Jeremy Johnson (Anthropology and History)
Literacy Unveiled: Citizenship, Nationality, Gender and the Campaigns to Eradicate Illiteracy in the Soviet South Caucasus (Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan) 1922-1936
Data Scientist, Glean
Ozge Korkmaz (Sociocultural)
Politics, Ethics, and Complicity in Turkey's Kurdistan: Anxieties of an Era
Jo Osborn (Archaeology)
Jahuay: Maritime Specialization in a Littoral Topara Community (200 BC-AD 150)
Adolmary Pena (Sociocultural)
Remapping Afro-Caribbean Landscapes: Embodiment and the Sensory Aesthetics of Dominican Tourism Space
Niku T'arhechu T'arhesi (Linguistic)
Endangered Words and Invulnerable Worlds: Spatial Language and Social Relations in Cheran, Michoacan, Mexico
University of Rhode Island, Distinguished Multicultural Postdoctoral Fellow
Dalen Wakely-Smith (Anthropology and History)
They Came Like Gypsies in the Night: Immigration Regimes, Race, and Romani Representations in New York City 1890-1960
Assistant Professor, History, Washington Univeristy in St. Louis
Yuchao Zhao (Biological)
Taming the Plateau: From Hunting to Herding in the Fourth Millennium BP at Meilong Cave, Western Tibet
Anna Antoniou (Archaeological)
Collaborating for First Foods: Archaeological Investigations of Chinookan and Lower Chehalis Foodways in Willapa Bay, Washington
Andrew W. Mellon Native American Scholars Initiative Postdoctoral Fellow at the American Philosophical Society
Vincent Battista (Biological)
Amelia Frank-Vitale (Sociocultral)
Leave if You're Able: Migration, Survival, and the Everydayness of Deportation in Honduras
Postdoctoral Research Associate and Lecturer with the Program in Latin American Studies at Princeton University.
V (Victoria) Koski-Karell (Sociocultral and MSTP)
Following Water in the Wake of Cholera: Relation, Coloniality, and the Poetics of Osmosis in Haiti's Artibonite Valley
PhD, Medical Student, University of Michigan Medical School, Medical Scientist Training Program, Class of 2023
Kyra Pazan (Archaeology)
The Last Glacial Maximum and Acceleration of Technological Change in the Lesotho Highlands
Assistant Professor of Biological Anthropology, California State University - Stanislaus
Cheryl Yin (Linguistic)
Khmer Honorifics: Re-emergence and Change After the Khmer Rouge
University of California - Berkeley, UC Berkeley Chancellors Postdoctoral Fellow
Sam Shuman (Sociocultural)
Cutting Out the Middleman: The Diamond Industry & the Politics of Displacement in a European Port City
Rabin-Shvidler Post-doctoral Fellow in Jewish Studies at Columbia & Fordham Universities
Jamie Andreson (Anthropology and History)
Mothers in the Family of Saints: Gender and Race in the Making of Afro-Brazilian Heritage
Postdoctoral Scholar with the Africana Research Center at Pennsylvania State University
Abagail Breidenstein (Biological)
Populations of the Middle Nile: Using Bioarchaeological and Paleogenetic Analyses to Understand Nubian Ancestry
Postdoctoral Research, University of Zurich
Nicholas Caverly (Sociocultural)
Restructured City: Demolition and Racial Accumulations in Detroit
Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts
Jordan Dalton (Archaeological)
Excavations at Las Huacas (AD 1200-1650): Exploring Elite Strategies and Economic Exchange During the Inca Empire
Kalbfleisch Postdoctoral Fellow, Richard Gilder Graduate School at the American Museum of Natural History
Adrian Deoanca (Sociocultural)
End of the Line: State Infrastructure, Material Ruin, and Precarious Labor along Romanian Railroads
Faculty Member, University of Bucharest, Department of Sociology and Social Work
Proquest Distinguished Dissertation Award, Louise Williams Distinguished Dissertation Award
Briana Doering (Archaeological)
Evaluating the Social and Environmental Process of the Dene/Athabascan Migration from the Subarctic
Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Wyoming
Jessica Lowen (Linguistic)
Rescue and Revival in Detroit Anti-Sex Trafficking Ministry: How sex industry outreach and the fight against human trafficking is reviving American evangelicals
Aaron Michka (Sociocultural)
House, Church, Cave: Coptic Landscapes and the Demands of Pluralism in Upper Egypt
Assistant Professor, University of Notre Dame
Sandhya Narayanan (Linguistic)
Spoken Differences: Negotiating Indigenous Contact and Gender in the Peruvian Altiplano
Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Washington and Lee University.
Nana Quarshie (Anthropology and History)
Bounding 'Alien Lunatics' in Modern Ghana
Assistant Professor, Yale University
Rachna Reddy (Biological)
The Development of Male Chimpanzee Reproductive Tactics
Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University
Amanda Respess (Anthropology and History)
The Abode of Water: Shipwreck Evidence and the Maritime Circulation of Medicine Between Iran and China in the 9th Through 14th Centuries
Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University
Sonia Rupcic (Sociocultural)
Righting Sexual Wrongs? Personhood, Intent, and Sex in a former South African Homeland
Postdoctoral Fellow, Brown University
Heather Tidrick (Social Work and Anthropology)
Roma Integration and Institutional Practices with Roma/Gypsies in Postsocialist Hungary
Social Worker IV-C, County of Mendocino
Nishita Trisal (Sociocultural)
Banking on Uncertainty: Debt, Default, and Violence in Indian-Administered Kashmir
Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California - Irvine
Irisa Arney (Biological)
East African Miocene Catarrhine Evolutionary Ecology
Research Assistant at the University of Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine
Allison Caine (Sociocultural)
Restless Ecologies in the Andean Highlands: Climate Change and Pastoralism in Peru
Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Wyoming
Lacey Carpenter (Archaeological)
Households and Political Transformation: Daily Life During State Formation at Tilcajete, Oaxaca, Mexico
Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Hamilton College
Ainash Childebayeva (Biological)
Effects of High Altitude and Inorganic Lead (Pb) on DNA Methylation in Andeans
Department of Archaeogenetics, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History
John Doering-White (Social Work and Anthropology)
In the Shadow of the Beast: Violence and Dignity along the Central American Migrant Trail
Kevin Donovan (Anthropology and History)
Sovereign Scales: Frontiers of Value in East Africa
Lecturer, Centre of African Studies at the University of Edinburgh
Georgia Ennis (Linguistic)
Remediating Endangerment: Radio and the Animation of Memory in the Western Amazon
Visiting Junior Fellow, Center for Humanities and Information, Pennsylvania State University
Chelsea Fisher (Archaeological)
Maya Farming Communities and the Long View of Sustainability at Tzacauil
Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies Program, Washington and Lee University
Andrew Haxby (Sociocultural)
A House Divided: Land, Kinship, and Bureaucracy in Post-Earthquake Kathmandu
Visitng Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Pitzer College
Matan Kaminer (Sociocultural)
By the Sweat of Other Brows: Thai Migrant Labor and the Transformation of Israeli Settler Agriculture
Postdoctoral Fellow, Sociology Department, University of Haifa
Nama Khalil (Sociocultural)
Making a Difference: Youth, Business, and Re-Envisioning Media Practice in Egypt
Adjunct Faculty, Columbus College of Art and Design (starting January 2020)
Gurveen Kaur Khurana (Anthropology and History)
Gaining Authority and Legitimacy: Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee and the Golden Temple c. 1920-2000
Global Head of Flexible Working (COE), Standard Chartered Bank
Jin Li (Sociocultural)
Reassembling Religion: Sino-Tibetan Encounters in Serta
Anna MacCourt (Anthropology and History)
Lord of the Universe Among Equals: The Challenges of Kingship in Early Historic/Early Medieval Gujarat
Maire Malone (Biological)
Histological, Trace Element, and Stable Isotopic Reconstruction of Dental Development, Diet and Weaning in Ugandan Chimpanzees: Implications for Studies of Hominin Life History
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan
Prash Naidu (Sociocultural)
Sea-Change: Mambai Sensory Practices and Hydrocarbon Exploitation in Timor-Leste
Tenure-track Assistant Professor of International Studies and Environmental Social Sciences at the Department of Historical & Political Studies at Arcadia University.
Bruno Emanuel Renero-Hannan (Anthropology and History)
In the Wake of Insurgency: Testimony and the Politics of Memory and Silence in Oaxaca
Christina Sampson (Archaeological)
Safety Harbor at the Weeden Island Site: Late Pre-Columbian Craft, Community, and Complexity on Florida’s Gulf Coast
Associate Faculty, Anthropology Program, Everertt Community College
Aleksandr Sklyar (Sociocultral)
Living in Post-Fukushima Grey Zones: Family Decisions in the Wake of Nuclear Disaster
Visiting Assistant Professor, Colgate University
Leigh Stuckey (Sociocultural)
Guests in the Homeland: Transnational Heritage Tourism in Greece and Turkey
Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan
Nikolas Sweet (Linguistic)
The Poetics of Relationality: Mobility, Naming, and Sociability in Southeastern Senegal
Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Wyoming
Warren Thompson (Sociocultural)
The Orphaned Past: Ache Autonomy and Relationality in Times of Change
Jennifer Tucker (Social Work and Anthropology)
In the Time of Mangos, Motorcycles, and Improvised Medicine: Aging with Displacement during the Post-Chavez Venezuelan Crisis
Hoda Bandeh-Ahmadi (Sociocultural)
Anthropological Generations: A Post-Independence Ethnography of Academic Anthropology and Sociology in India
Research Specialist, Center for Surgical Training and Research, University of Michigan
Brady G'Sell (Anthropology and History)
Making Motherhood Work: Women’s Child Support Claims, Race, and the Remaking of Citizenship in South Africa, 1958-2015
Assistant Professor, Departments of Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies and Anthropology, University of Iowa
Elizabeth Tinsley Johnson (Biological)
Social and Ecological Challenges in Female Geladas: A Test of the Vocal Grooming Hypothesis
Assistant Professor, College of Natural Science and the Department of Integrative Biology, Michigan State University
Ujin Kim (Linguistic)
Ethical Management of Speech among Kazak Nomads in the Chinese Altai
Postdoc in Eurasian Studies at Nazarbayev University in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Cyrus O'Brien (Anthropology and History)
Redeeming Imprisonment: Religion and the Development of Mass Incarceration in Florida
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Religion and Politics, Washington University, St. Louis
Christine Sargent (Socialcultural)
Ambivalent Inheritance: Down Syndrome and Kinship Futures in Jordan
Assistant Professor, Cultural/Medical Anthropology, University of Colorado
Laura Yakas (Social Work and Anthropology)
Love in a Time of Madness: The Importance of Purpose and Belonging in Healing and Harnessing Madness
Lecturer, School of Social Work, University of Michigan
Charles Zuckerman (Linguistic)
Good Gambling: Meaning and Moral Economy in Late-Socialst Laos
Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of California San Diego
Meghanne Barker (Linguistic)
Framing the Fantastic: Animating Childhood in Contemporary Kazakhstan
LSE Fellow in the Department of Media and Communications, London School of Economics and Political Science
Smadar Brack (Sociocultural)
Missionaries to the City of God: Christian Citizenship and African Immigrants in Rome, Italy
Postdoctoral Fellow, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Harry S. Truman Research Institute, for the Advancement of Peace
Courtney Cottrell (Sociocultural)
Competing Discourses, Developing Partnerships: Navigating Differences Between Ethnographic Museums and Tribal Museums
Postdoctoral Fellow, American Indian Studies Program, University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign
Achirri Ismael (Sociocultural)
Host Plants, Butterflies & Neoliberal Spaces: Environmental Subjectivities & the Challenges of Conservation Ecotourism in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa
Lecturer, Department of African American Studies, University of Michigan
Deborah Jones (Linguistic)
Afterlives & Other Lives: Semiosis & History in 21st Century Ukraine
Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
Lavrentia Karamaniola (Sociocultural)
Bucharest Barks: Street Dogs, Urban Lifestyle Aspirations, and the Non-Civilized City
Muhammad Murshed Khadija (Archaeology)
The Nabataean Rock Carving Technique in Petra
Elizabeth Koomson (Social Work and Anthropology)
Transforming Customary Systems in Ghana: Women's Participation in Small-Scale Gold Mining Activities in the Talensi District
Oana Mateescu (Anthropology and History)
Serial Anachronism: Re-Assembling Romanian Forest Commons
Assistant Professor, University of Bergen
John Mathias (Social Work and Anthropology)
Contentious Ethics: Creativity and Persuasion among Environmental Organizers in South India
Assistant Professor, College of Social Work, Florida State University
Regev Nathansohn (Sociocultural)
Living in a Mixing Neighborhood: Reflexive Coexistence and the Discourse of Separation
Adjunct Lecturer, University of Haifa
Michael Prentice (Linguistic)
Ranks & Files: Corporate Hierarchies, Genres of Management,and Shifting Control in South Korea's Corporate World
Lecturer in Korean Studies, School of East Asian Studies, Sheffield University, England
Colin Quinn (Archaeology)
The Crucible of Complexity: Community Organization and Social Change in Bronze Age Transylvania (2700-1320 BC)
Assistant Professor, Anthropology Department, Hamilton College
Tasha Rijke-Epstein (Anthropology and History)
Architectures of Belonging: Moral Economies of Urban Place-Making in Mahajanga, Madagascar
Assistant Professor, History, Vanderbilt University
Aaron Sandel (Biological)
Male-Male Relationships and the Transition to Adulthood in Chimpanzees
Assistant Professor, University of Texas - Austin
Josh Shapero (Linguistic)
Speaking Places: Language, Mind, and Environment in the Ancash Highlands (Peru)
Instructor, University of Michigan
Amir Syed (Anthropology and History)
Al-ḤājjʿUmar Tāl and the Realm of the Written: Mastery, Mobility and Islamic Authority in 19th Century West Africa
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pittsburgh
Linda Takamine (Sociocultural)
Alcohol, Virtue, and the Making of Persons in Contemporary America
Qualitative Researcher, VA Center for Clinical Management Research
Edgar Taylor (Anthropology and History)
Asians and Africans in Ugandan Urban Life, 1959-1972
Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre for Indian Studies in Africa (CISA)
Craig Wuthrich (Biological)
Computational Relationships among Form, Function, and Phylogeny in the Catarrhine Ulnar Carpus, and the Evolutionary History of Ape and Human Locomotion
Postdoctoral Associate, Duke University
Luciana Aenasoaie (Anthropology and History)
Weaving and Unraveling the Factory Town: Social Alterations and European Belonging in the Aftermath of Romanian Industrial Collapse, 1950-2015
Assistant Director, Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program, University of Michigan
Ismail Fajrie Alatas (Anthropology and History)
Aligning the Sunna and the Jama'a: Religious Authority and Islamic Social Formation in Contemporary Central Java, Indonesia
Assistant Professor, Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, New York University
Jess Beck (Archaeology)
The Bioarchaeology of Mortuary Practice at Marrquies Bajos, Spain
Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Fellow, Georgia State University
Marcela Benitez (Biological)
Sizing up Strangers: Sexual Selection and Vocal Signals in Gelada Males
Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Emory University
William Benton (Sociocultural)
Entrepreneurship Networks in Beirut: Capital and Creativity Modeling the Future
Scholar in Resident, Virginia Commonwealth University
Ivan Cangemi (Archaeological)
A Scale-Free, Relational Approach to Social Development in LatePrehistoric Tyrrhenian Central Italy
Research Fellow, School of Public Health, University of Michigan
Matthew Chin (Social Work and Anthropology)
Enacting Politics through Art: Encounters between Queer and Trans of Color Organizers and the Canadian City
Assistant Professor, Social Work, Fordham University
Adriana Chira (Anthropology and History)
Uneasy Intimacies: Race, Family, and Property in Santiago de Cuba, 1803-1868
Assistant Professor, History, Emory University
Joshua Coene (Anthropology and History)
The Contentious Prison: From Rehabilitation to incapacitation in New South Wales and Pennsylvania, 1965-1990
Robyn d'Avignon (Anthropology and History)
Subterranean Histories: Making ‘Artisanal’ Miners on the West African Sahel
Assistant Professor of History, New York University
Alysa Handelsman (Sociocultural)
Growing up in Guayaquil's Barrios: A Collaborative Ethnography with Children
Assistant Professor, Sociology & Anthropology, Wofford College
Bethany Hansen (Biological)
The Ecology and behavior of new chimpanzee mothers at Ngogo, the Kibale National Park, Uganda
Research Fellow, Lincoln Park Zoo
Alison Joersz (Linguistic)
What's Wrong with Haiti? Politics, Development, and Discourse in Port-au-Prince
Customer Service Representative, American Heritage Insurance Agency, Inc.
Rachel Jihyun Lee (Archaeology)
Household Change and Social Complexity in Mumun Pottery Period Korea, 1500-500 B.C.
Instructor, Tenure Track - Shoreline Community College
Ashley Lemke (Archaeology)
Anthropological Archaeology Underwater: Hunting Architecture and Forager Lifeways beneath the Great Lakes
Assistant Professor, Sociology and Anthroplogy, University of Texas-Arlington
Jane Lynch (Sociocultural)
The Good of Cloth: Bringing Ethics to Market in India's Handloom Textile Industry
Lecturer, Social Theory and Practice, LSA Residential College, University of Michigan
Shana Melnysyn (Anthropology and History)
Vagabond States: Boundaries and Belonging in Portuguese Angola, c. 1880-1910
Mellon Graduate Research Assistant, University of Michigan
Lamia M. Moghnieh (Social Work and Anthropology)
Humanitarian Psychology in Lebanon: Psychological Aid, Violence and the Politics of Suffering
Postdoctoral Fellow, EUME (Europe in the Middle East, Middle East in Europe), Forum Transregionale Studien in Berlin Germany
Elana Resnick (Sociocultural)
Nothing Ever Perishes: Waste, Race, and Transformation in an Expanding European Union
Assistant Professor, Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara
Stuart Strange (Sociocultural)
Suspected Gods: Spirit Possession, Performance, and Social Relations in Multi-Ethnic Suriname
Assistant Professor, Anthropology, Yale-NUS College
Joseph Vascomi (Anthropology & History)
Out of Time: History, Presence, and the Departure of the Italians of Egypt, 1933-present
Faculty, Birbeck College, Department of History, Classics & Archaeology, University of London
Dana Begun (Biological)
Age-Related Changes in Bone: Variation and Factors Influencing Bone Fragility
Lead Sales Operations Specialist, Baker Hughes - GE
Jennifer Bowles (Sociocultural)
Hands on the Green Leaf: Labor, Resistance, and Bittersweet Dwelling in Argentina's Yerba Mate Country
Assistant Professor of Social Work, Oakland University
Vanessa Diaz (Sociocultural)
Manufacturing Celebrity and Marketing Fame: An Ethnographic Study of Celebrity Media Production
Assistant Professor, California State University, Fullerton
Christopher Estrada (Anthropology & History)
Caboclos of Nazareth: Improvisation and Renovation in Marcacatu de Baque Solto of Prenambuco
Visiting Research Associate, King's College London
Joshua Friedman (Sociocultural)
Yiddish Exchange: Language, Inter-generational Gifts, and Jewish Devotion
Postdoc Research Fellow, Anthropology, Duke University
Katherine Fultz (Sociocultural)
Economies of Representation: Communication, Conflict, and Mining in Guatemala
Instructor, Southeast Missouri State University
Anna Genina (Sociocultural)
Claiming Ancestral Homelandsː Mongolian Kazakh migration in Inner Asia
Andrew Gurstelle (Archaeology)
The House of Oduduwa: An Archaeological Study of Economy and Kingship in the Save Hills of West Africa
Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Anthropology, Wake Forest University
Geoffrey Hughes (Sociocultural)
Affection and Mercy: Kinship, State, and the Management of Marriage in Jordan
Lecturer, University of Exeter
Ji Eun Kim (Sociocultural)
The Politics of Survival and Care in Homeless Japan
Assistant Professor of Japanese Studies, University of Leeds
Moshe Kornfeld (Sociocultural)
The Chosen Universalists: Jewish Philanthropy and Youth Activism in Post-Katrina New Orleans
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Washington University
Jennifer Lee Hall (Archaeology)
Debating Darija: Language Ideology and the Written Representative of Moroccan Arabic in Morocco
Professor, Universite Internationale de Casablanca
Scott MacLochlainn (Sociocultural)
The Boundary Indefinite: Schism and the Ethics of Christian Strategy in the Philippines
Tenure-track faculty, Johns Hopkins University
Bertrand Metton (Anthropology and History)
From the Popular Front to the Eastern Front: Youth Movements, Travel, and Fascism in France (1930-1945)
Lecturer, City University of New York
Davide Orsini (Anthropology and History)
Life in Nuclear Archipelago: Cold War Technopolotics and US Nuclear Submarines in Italy
Assistant Professor, History, Mississippi State University
Ali Sipahi (Anthropology and History)
At Arm's Length: Historical Ethnography of Proximity in Harput
Edgar Taylor (Anthropology and History)
Asians and Africans in Ugandan Urban Life, 1959-1972
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg South Africa
Amorita Esperanza Valdez (Sociocultural)
Care-Biographies: Narrating Kinship in the Context of Care
Board member, Anthropology Theory Project
Elizabeth Bridges White (Archaeology)
Beyond Emire: Vijayanagara Imperialism and the Emergence of the Keladi-Ikkeri Nayaka State, 1499-1763 C.E.
Owner, Luna Lola
Andrea Wright (Anthropology and History)
Migratory Pipelines: Labor and Oil in the Arabian Sea
Assistant Professor, William and Mary College