Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Office Information:
phone: 323.206.6138
PhD, Anthropology and Linguistics, University of Michigan (in progress)
Graduate Certificate, African Studies, University of Michigan
MS, Applied Psychology, University of Southern California
BA, Psychology, University of Southern California; Media Studies minor
Current research:
- Mass media
- Globalization and international development
- Phaticity and the interpersonal functions of language
- Interaction, pragmatics, and interactional linguistics
- Multilingualism and language contact
- Francophone West Africa
Areas of interest:
- The dynamics of attention, awareness, and salience in semiosis
- Interactionism, poetics & performativity, multimodality
- The role of prosody in language contact and change
- Human sociality and the evolution of communicative systems, self and (eu)socialty
- Symbolic systems, symbolic logic, and the limits of constructivism
- The role of bodily phenomena (sensations, emotions, "affect") in organizing social phenomena
- Intersections between semiotic ideologies, personhood, and social cognition
- Language and materiality
- Multilingualism
- Communication and globalization, communication and economics
- Media and performance, communications technologies
- Intertextuality and interdiscursivity
- Phaticity
- Imitation and mimicry
- Embodied cognition
- "Flow" and human performance
- Mass psychology, crowd psychology, group psychology
- Psychophysics, sensation and perception, vision, sound and "vibrations"
- Social change and social movements, networks, coventionalization processes
- Comparative feminisms and feminist anthropology, sex and gender
- Histories of science and technology, especially as they pertain to the social sciences, communication, linguistics, and technocratic governance
- Linguistic, semiotic, psychological, and cognitive anthropology