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Janet Hart

Associate Professor Emerita, Anthropology

Emeriti; Anthropology


Ph.D. Government, Comparative Politics, Cornell University, 1991


“Reading the Radical Subject: Glinos, Gramsci and Paralanguages of the Modern Nation” and “Strange Rhapsody” in Intellectuals and the Articulation of the Nation (1999) Ed. By Michael D. Kennedy and Ronald Suny. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 171-210.

“Tales from the Walled City: Aesthetics of Political Prison Culture in Post-war Greece,” Comparative Studies in Society and History (CSSH) Vol. 31, No.3, July 1999: 482-509

“Cracking the Code: Narratives and Political Mobilization in the Greek Resistance,” Social Science History 16:4 (Winter 1992)/ Special Issue on Narrative and Social Science, 631-668.

"Women in the Greek Resistance: National Crisis and Political Transformation," International Labor and Working-Class History (ILWCH), Special Issue: The Working Class in World War II, Geoffrey Field, Editor, No. 38, Fall 1990, pp. 46-62.

“Women in Greek Society,” in Background to Contemporary Greece (1990), Martin Eve and Marion Sarafis, Eds. London: The Merlin Press, 95-121.

“Redeeming the Voices of a ‘Sacrificed’ Generation: Oral Histories of Women in the Greek Resistance,” International Journal of Oral History, Vol. 10, No. 1, February 1989, pp. 3-30.