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Native American Heritage Month Key Note Performance: Frank Waln & Samsoche Sampson

Monday, November 30, 2015
5:00 AM
Pendleton Room - Michigan Union

Come join the Native American Student Association & the Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs as we present our Key Note Performance of Native American Heritage Month Frank Waln & Samsoche Sampson.

Come take part in a Talking Circle to get to know the artist followed by a performance.


Frank Waln is an award winning Sicangu Lakota Hip Hop artist, producer, and performer from the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota. A recipient of the Gates Millennium Scholarship, Waln attended Columbia College Chicago where he received a BA in Audio Arts and Acoustics. Waln’s awards include three Native American Music Awards, the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development 2014 Native American 40 Under 40, and the 2014 Chicago Mayor’s Award for Civic Engagement. He has been featured on Buzzfeed’s 12 Native Americans Who Are Making a Difference, USA Today, ESPN, and MTV’s Rebel Music Native America. Waln has written for various publications including Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education, and Society and The Guardian. Frank Waln travels the world spreading hope and inspiration through performance and workshops focusing on self-empowerment and the pursual of dreams.

Samsoche is a working artist located in Chicago, Illinois. He works in a variety of mediums from dance, music, acting, printmaking, and painting. When not performing around the country he likes to work on his art. He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts from Columbia College Chicago in the Fall of 2014. His work blends the contemporary experience with the traditional values of his culture to create a bridge between the two.

Co-Sponsors of this event include:

Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives
School of Music Theater and Dance
Native American Studies
School of Social Work
Center for World Performance Studies
Ford School of Public Policy
Comprehensive Studies Program
Program on Intergroup Relations
Department of Anthropology