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Anthropology Open House

Monday, November 26, 2012
5:00 AM
211 West Hall, Titiev Library

Are you curious to learn more about the four sub-fields of Anthropology - Socio-cultural, Biological, Linguistic, and Anthropological Archaeology? Have you ever thought about pursuing a concentration in Anthropology? How about a minor in Medical Anthropology? Would you like to learn more about our Department’s course offerings for the winter semester?

Are you curious to learn more about the four sub-fields of Anthropology - Socio-cultural, Biological, Linguistic, and Anthropological Archaeology? Have you ever thought about pursuing a concentration in Anthropology? How about a minor in Medical Anthropology? Would you like to learn more about our Department’s course offerings for the winter semester?


Join us on Monday, November 26th from 11:30am -1:30pm in the Titiev Library, 211 WH, for an Open House, where you can enjoy light afternoon refreshments while talking with students and faculty about winter course offerings. Advisors will also be on hand to answer any questions you might have about concentrations and minors in Anthropology.


No RSVP required, just stop on by to say hello and to enjoy informal conversations about what we have to offer.