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Summer Experiences

Summer Scholars Description:

The WISE RP supports students engaging in research or an internship each summer. The summer scholars program provides professional development through workshops, research symposiums, and social/cultural activities as well as financial support (up to $6,000 per student) to offset expenses incurred over the summer as many of the research experiences and internships are unpaid. WISE RP summer scholars are funded through the generosity of donors who are champions of the community. 

Summer Scholars complete 200 hours of research and/or internship and participate in weekly professional development activities. These activities are an opportunity to reflect on research/internship experiences, develop new professional and research skills, and gain advice and support to navigate research and internship spaces. Summer Scholars build upon their learning through ALA 107 and 108 to discover ways in which they can grow their professional identities in STEM.

Learning Outcomes:

Participating in WISE RP Summer Scholars will:

  • Increase your efficacy and capacity as an emerging researcher and STEM professional through hands-on research/internship experience
  • Deepen your understanding of how to develop a researcher and professional identity
  • Help you discover how your social identities shape various experiences in STEM such as research and internships
  • Cultivate new research and interpersonal skills
  • Help you establish peer and academic network and support system
  • Help you establish personal and professional goals