The WISE RP created Alumni Weekend in 2015. It is a flagship event for WISE RP and serves as a catalyst for efficacy building of our students. College student development literature has shown the self-efficacy (i.e., the belief in one’s abilities to achieve a goal/task) of students in STEM, and specifically, women in STEM, are bolstered through direct and vicarious experiences. Direct experiences like hands-on learning, workshops, and conferences, and vicarious experiences like the opportunity for conversations and mentorship from individuals on a shared journey, positively informs significant efficacy development. WISE RP alumni are invited back to campus for a weekend of activities, dialogue, and fellowship with current students to share their experiences as STEM professionals and the journey to get where they are today. Alumni Weekend is a critical touch point to facilitate learning, community engagement, and personal and professional development.
Guided Paint & Dinner
Adding to our robust Alumni Weekend experience this year, alumni panelists gathered in a casual setting to engage with current and former WISE RP student leaders in a group painting activity. Facilitated by the amazing team from “Tipsi Ypsi - Paint & Pour”, our guests crafted an individual painting of Mosher Jordan Residence Hall, while engaging in conversation and dialogue with each other (and a little trivia from our Tipsi Ypsi team!)
Alumni Weekend Panel & Sessions
For our 8th annual Alumni Weekend, WISE RP was honored to host twelve alumni this year, each of whom represented a wide range of journeys around social identity development, academic and career advice, and opportunities to connect and network with one another. Expanding upon previous Alumni Weekend activities, the large group of alumni allowed for more intimate conversations in small group settings, in addition to featuring two panel discussions to kick off and conclude our Saturday activities.
Post-Alumni Weekend Brunch
Capping off Alumni Weekend this year was an optional touch point for our first-ever Sunday Post-Alumni Weekend brunch. WISE RP students continue to express a desire to meet and network in smaller, more casual settings, and a Sunday brunch in Mosher Jordan was the perfect opportunity to do just that. This moment also provided one last opportunity to thank our alumni for their gift of time, in addition to all of the amazing advice, support and love they continue to provide to a community of leaders and scholars that has clearly meant so much to them!