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Women in Science and Engineering residence program (WISE RP)




We assist in students’ transition to the university by providing social activities, career development programs, community service, and programming opportunities. Each student is paired with a Peer Mentor and is encouraged to participate in the WISE RP facilitated study groups.

As a community, the WISE RP endeavors to be an exemplar for other STEM living and learning communities (LLCs). The WISE-RP serves as a catalyst for transformation! It is a space that affirms and celebrates difference, and empowers change agents.




The WISE RP is an academically supportive living-learning community for first-year gender-minoritized students who are interested in academic majors and careers in the sciences, mathematics, engineering and/or pre-health.

We assist in students’ transition to the university by providing social activities, career development programs, community service, and programming opportunities. Each first-year student is paired with a Peer Mentor and is encouraged to participate in the WISE RP facilitated study groups. 


The WISE RP is guided by our program mission and core tenets to ensure gender-minoritized students pursuing STEM are successful and supported. The WISE RP aims to: 

  • Facilitate student learning and development

  • Build a community based on mutual respect and affirmation of diversity

  • Create engaging cultural, academic, and educational experiences for students

  • Bolster students’ STEM self-efficacy

  • Celebrate and empower students’ diverse identities within and beyond STEM contexts

  • Assist students in cultivating their leadership capacities to lead in a global society

What's Happening in WISERP

Featured News

WISE RP GCC Study Abroad in Cape Town South Africa

Explore STEM Leadership in South Africa with WISE RP!

WISE RP Night Recap: Celebrating the 2024 Summer Scholars

Featuring a special talk by alumna Dr. Rachel Moszyk and research presentations from the 2024 Summer Scholars, the evening was filled with inspiration, connection, and fun activities.

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WISE RP is more than just a learning community! We are a tight-knit group excited to grow and learn together as emerging STEM leaders. There is so much to do in the WISE RP community! Explore our prospective students page to learn about the program and all the ways you can engage co-curricularly and academically as a community member. After exploring, you can even apply, check the How to Apply link for more information.