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Faculty & Staff



STS Director, 2022-2024
Joy Rohde —



STS Administration
Olivia Evans —

Mark Ackerman
School of Information
Computer-supported cooperative work, human-computer interaction, social computing.
Renee R. Anspach
Department of Sociology
Medical sociology, sociology of gender, social psychology.
Catherine Badgley
Department of Ecology and Environmental Biology
Kate Barald
Medical School
Developmental neurobiology, molecular neurobiology studies of developing neuronal cell and synapses and neuronal regeneration in the inner ear; studies of Neurofibromatosis 1; stem cell studies of neuronal, Schwann cell and heart development.
Rachel K. Best
Department of Sociology
How advocacy and culture create inequalities in policy and law, and consequences new forms of advocacy, eg. interest groups targeting specific diseases.
Leah Bricker
School of Education
Youth STEM-related learning pathways both in and out of school; social disparities related to youth interest and opportunities associated with STEM learning and practice; youth and scientist science-related communication in various contexts; scientific practices in the sciences and in science education.
Miranda Brown
Asian Languages & Cultures
History of medicine and science in China; Chinese conceptions of time across the imperial era; food culture, in particular premodern uses of dairy.
202 S. Thayer, Suite 6111; Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608 734.615.7036
John Carson
Department of History
History of science, history of the human sciences, US intellectual/cultural history,19th-century U.S. history, European intellectual history.
Erin Cech
Department of Sociology
Inequalities in recruitment and retention of women, LGBTQ, and racial/ethnic minority persons in STEM degree programs and STEM jobs.
Henry M. Cowles
Department of History
Human sciences, methodology, and mental health in the United States and Great Britain
1658 Haven Hall
Melissa Creary
School of Public Health
Social movements, health policy, genetics, citizen science, race, culture, and citizenship (Brazil).
Jay Crisostomo
Middle East Studies
Intellectual history and the history of science and medicine in the ancient world.
Aileen Das
Department of Classical Studies
STS Director of Graduate Studies, 2022-2023
Greco-Roman and Islamicate medicine and philosophy, Galen and Galenism, the Second Sophistic, Greco/Syriac-Arabic translation movement, epitomization, scientific discourse and brevity.
Jatin Dua
Department of Anthropology
Law and economy; Piracy; Oceanic studies; Globalization, Empire, Governance and regulation, conflict/post-conflict, mobility; Indian Ocean, Horn of Africa, East Africa.
207-B West Hall 734-764-2337
Elizabeth Durham
Department of Anthropology
Medical and political anthropology
Ron Eglash
School of Information; School of Art and Design
Sarah Ensor
English Language and Literature
Ecocriticism, gender and sexuality
Amal Hassan Fadlalla
American Culture, Women and Gender Studies
Gender, transnationalism, health, reproduction, poverty, and population and development, local and global political economies (Africa, the Middle East).
Anna Bonnell Freidin
Department of History
Risk and uncertainty in the histories of gender, imperialism, science, medicine, and magic in classical Rome.
Laura Hirshbein
Department of Psychiatry, Medical School
History of psychiatry, health services.
Natalie Hofmeister
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Stories of invasive speciies, changes in attitudes to invasive species over time and across national boundaries.
Joel D. Howell
Department of History, Medical School
Medicine, history and sociology of science.
Jennifer Hsieh
Department of Anthropology
Formation of political subjectivity through sensory practices in institutional and urban settings.
Matthew Hull
Department of Anthropology
Bureaucracy and governance, corporations, urban planning, material culture, communication technology, South Asia.
224-A West Hall, 1085 S. University Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1107 734.763.5382
Leila Kawar
American Culture, Residential College
Law and society, policy and labor governance
Anna Kirkland
Department of Women and Gender Studies
Law and society, law and politics of health.
Brian Klein
Department of African and Afroamerican Studies
Environmental governance and global development, especially in frontier settings across the Global South
Joy Knoblauch
School of Architecture and Urban Planning
Co-coordinator STeMS Speaker Series, 2019-2020
Architecture, government, and population informed by psychology, medicine, and other human sciences. American hospitals, prisons, mental health centers, and urbanism.
Silvia Lindtner
School of Information
Innovation discourse, industrial production and technology development in China; digital media studies; human-computer interaction; computer-supported cooperative work.
Malcolm McCullough
School of Architecture
Architecture and media arts.
Lisa Nakamura
American Culture, Film, Television and Media
Digital media theory, digital game studies, ethnic studies, feminist theory, film and television studies, science and technology studies, race and gender in new media.
Surface Mail: 505 S. State Street | 3722 Haven Hall, Ann Arbor MI 48109-1045 734.615.6472
Rafael Neis
Department of History, Frankel Center for Judaic Studies
Histories of knowledge, science, and medicine in antiquity. Science and religion. Gender, sexuality, disability, and animality in Judaism.
Davon Norris
Organizational Studies
How algorithms (re)produce inequality and mediate how we understand inequality
Douglas Northrop
Department of History
Central Asia, Soviet, and world/global history; environmental, ecological history; history of geology, seismology, earth sciences; space and mapping.
435 S. State St, 1029 Tisch Hall, Ann Arbor MI 48109-1003 734.647.4616
Jason Owen-Smith
Department of Sociology, Organizational Studies
Economic sociology, organizational theory, networks, science and technology.
Alyssa Paredes
Department of Anthropology
Human, environmental, and metabolic infrastructures of transnational trade
Susan Scott Parrish
Department of English
History of science, nature writing, gender, ecocriticism.
Shobita Parthasarathy
Ford School of Public Policy
Comparative politics of science and technology; science, expertise, and democracy; politics of intellectual property; risk governance (particularly related to health, food, and the environment); genetics/biotechnology/biomedicine.
Casey Pierce
School of Information
Knowledge management, organizational change, technology use in healthcare organizations.
Vyta Pivo
Taubman School of Architecture
Materials science and engineering, architectural design, construction, laboratory testing, zoning and standards, industrial manufacturing and global politics, environmental justice.
Elizabeth Popp Berman
Sociology of science and knowledge (especially economics), expertise, policy, quantification
Elizabeth F.S. Roberts
Department of Anthropology
Director of Undergraduate Studies 2019-2020
Critical study of medicine, science and biotechnology.
108 West Hall, 1085 S. University Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1107 734.936.0642
Joy Rohde
Ford School of Public Policy
Director, Science, Technology & Society, 2022-2023
History of science and technology; history of the human sciences; science and technology policy; expertise and democracy.
Weill Hall, 735 S. State Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-3091 734.615.6972
Rachel Rothschild
Assistant Professor, University of Michigan Law School
318 Hutchins Hall, 625 S State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 734.763.6361
Arpita Roy
Department of Physics
Installation and commissioning of experiments, contexts of discovery, expertise and organizational dysfunction, and study of material culture with special focus on contemporary particle physics.
Seda Saluk
Assistant Professor of Women's and Gender Studies
Christian Sandvig
Department of Communication and Media
New media technologies; infrastructure studies; technology law and policy; human-computer interaction.
Francesca Schironi
Department of Classical Studies
Ancient Greek Astronomy, Greek Science, Ancient Medicine, Scientific Language, Papyrology, Greek Language and Literature
Perrin Selcer
Department of History
Global environmental history; history and sociology of science, focusing on 20th century environmental and human sciences; international organizations and international development; U.S. and the World
Scott Stonington
Department of Anthropology; Medical School
Globalization of biomedical ethics and expertise.
Kentaro Toyama
School of Information
Information and communication technologies and development (ICTD), technology and social change, human-computer interaction.
3444 North Quad
School of Information
105 S. State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285
Derek Vaillant
Department of Communication and Media
Analyzing media texts, historical approaches to media and technology, international and comparative media.
John Vandermeer
School for Environment & Sustainability
Ecology, theoretical ecology, tropical ecology, agroecology.
Alexandra Vinson
Department of Learning Health Sciences
Medical training, quantification, infrastructure, multi-stakeholder healthcare improvement work, interaction and language use.