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Moulinath Banerjee

Professor of Statistics

Office Information:

275 West Hall
Department of Statistics
University of Michigan
1085 South University
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1107



B.Stat (Hons), Indian Statistical Institute, 1995
M.Stat (Mathematical Statistics and Probability) Indian Statistical Institute, 1997
Ph.D. Statistics, University of Washington, 2000

Selected Publications

1. Banerjee, M. and Wellner J.A. (2001): Likelihood Ratio Tests for Monotone Functions. Paper in Annals of Statistics, Vol 29, pages 1699 - 1731.

2. Banerjee, M. and McKeague, I.W. (2007) -- Confidence Sets for Split Points in Decision Trees. Current version of the paper Annals of Statistics, Vol 35, No. 2, pages 543--574.

3.  Lan, Y., Banerjee, M. and Michailidis, G. (2009) -- Changepoint estimation under adaptive sampling. Annals of Statistics, Vol 37, 4, 1752--1791. 

4. Sen, B., Banerjee, M. and Woodroofe, M. B. (2010) -- Inconsistency of bootstrap: the Grenander estimator. Annals of Statistics, Vol. 38, 4, 1953-1977.

5. Bagchi, P., Banerjee, M. and Stoev, S. (2016) -- Inference for monotone trends under short and long range dependence: Confidence intervals and new universal limits. JASA, Volume 111:516, 1634--1647. Paper

6. Banerjee, M., Durot, C. and Sen, B. (2018): Divide and Conquer in Non-standard Problems and the Super-Efficiency Phenomenon. Paper To appear in Annals of Statistics