The Department of Statistics offers academic advising to undergraduate students majoring or minoring in Data Science, Informatics, and Statistics. Our staff advisors offer in-person and remote advising year around.
Undergraduate Advising Appointments
To schedule a Department of Statistics Advising Appointment, please follow the steps below:
Click the 'Schedule An Appointment' button below.
You will be required to log in using your U-M uniqname and kerberos password.
Once logged in, simply choose a reason for your appointment, advisor preference if you have one, and then select a time frame in which you would like to meet with an advisor.
Hit the "List Appointments" button and a list of all available appointments matching your criteria will be returned. If you don't get any results, try expanding your search criteria.
If you have any questions or problems scheduling an appointment online, please contact us at
If you have questions regarding general education requirements for a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree, please contact LSA Academic Advising.
Open Advising
In addition to advising appointments, the department offers in-person and remote open advising with our staff advisors, Gina Cornacchia, and Sean Williams.
You can access remote open advising by signing up in the queue using the links below. The queue does not open until the session begins. In-person open advising is held in 323 West Hall.
An appointment is not required for open advising. Please see below for the staff advisor’s open advising hours.
Gina Cornacchia
Gina is a Undergraduate Advisor and Program Coordinator for the Department of Statistics at the University of Michigan.
**Gina's Open Advising is canceled Monday & Tuesday, March 3 & 4.**
Gina's Open Advising Hours | Monday 1:30 - 3:30 pm (remote) | Tuesday 10:00 am - noon (in person) | Thursday 1:30 - 3:30 pm (in person) | Friday 10:00 am - noon (remote)
Click here to join Gina's remote open advising.
Sean Williams
Sean is an Undergraduate Advisor and Program Coordinator for the Department of Statistics at the University of Michigan.
Sean's Open Advising Hours | Monday 10:00 am - noon (remote) | Wednesday 10:00 am - noon (remote) | Thursday 10:00 am - noon (in person)
Click here to join Sean's remote open advising.