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Distinguished Faculty & Graduate Seminar Series: Mary Czerwinski, Ph.D., Emotion Tracking and Interventions for Memory, Health and Awareness

Wednesday, December 4, 2013
5:00 AM
4448 East Hall
Light reception at 3:30 PM in same location

Abstract:  In this talk I will describe novel systems and applications we are designing that perform mood detection and interventions in real time using mobile technology. We are exploring “sticky” user interface ideas to help users reflect on and manage their affective experiences. Many questions remain from current affective computing research in terms of how useful technology like this is over the long term and how valuable a mobile tracking system might be in real time (especially given the likelihood of misclassifications).  In addition, we also are interested in intervention styles that can be used when negative or disruptive emotions are detected, whether in a car, at the desktop, or otherwise.  Finally, we feel there is a huge opportunity in the remote familial space, or in a close social network, where knowing about the emotional health of separated loved ones or close friends comes in to play.  These new research areas are tightly coupled to privacy issues.  A few examples of applications from our research will be presented.

Bio: Mary Czerwinski's research focuses primarily on emotion tracking, information worker task management, multitasking, and awareness systems for individuals and groups. Her background is in visual attention and multitasking. She holds a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology from Indiana University in Bloomington. Mary was awarded the ACM SIGCHI Lifetime Service Award, was inducted into the CHI Academy, and became an ACM Distinguished Scientist in 2010.
