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Fellowship Appointment Policy

Fellowship Appointment

Fellowship appointments in the Center for Social Solutions (CSS) are intended to establish mutually beneficial relationships between CSS and prominent scholars, thinkers, leaders, and teachers appointed for no longer than two years. Fellows are involved in collaborative research projects or initiatives that may include co-sponsorships and/or co-principal investigations with the CSS Director or Associate Director.

Types of Fellows:

1.  Postdocs
2.  Fellows of the Practice
3.  Entrepreneur-in-Residence 
4.  UM Faculty-in-Residence (sabbatical or other leaves)


Conditions of a Fellowship Appointment in CSS:

1. The appointment may not always carry a budgetary commitment on the part of CSS.

2. The appointment ends when the research project or initiative has been completed (data collection and analysis and/or project implementation) or after two years of residency. 

3. This appointment may be renewed, at the discretion of the faculty member and the Director of CSS, if the timeline for the research or initiative is extended.

4. The appointment includes individual or shared office space in CSS. 


Request for a Fellowship Appointment:

To be considered for a faculty fellowship appointment in CSS, a UM faculty member must:  

1. Have a tenured or tenure track appointment in another UM department, school or college.

2. Submit a current curriculum vitae and brief letter requesting such an appointment to the CSS Director (the letter shall elucidate the project or initiative that the candidate seeks to pursue in CSS).

If the recipient of an internal, portable postdoc funding a candidate must:

1. Submit a letter requesting such an appointment to the CSS Director.

2. The letter should elucidate the project or initiative that the candidate will pursue at CSS.  Alternatively, the letter may indicate the candidate’s acceptance of an invitation to serve a standing CSS initiative or project.

If external to Michigan, to be considered for other fellowship appointments in CSS the candidate must: 

1. Submit a letter requesting such an appointment to the CSS Director. The letter should elucidate the project or initiative that the candidate will pursue at CSS.  Alternatively, the letter may indicate the candidate’s acceptance of an invitation to serve a standing CSS initiative or project.

2. Or the candidate must have been selected from a pool generated by an external funder (e.g., ACLS) or through a process initiated by the Director or Associate Director of CSS. 



1. CSS Director will conduct a review with the assistance of the CSS Associate Director and decide on whether to grant a fellowship appointment.  


Privileges of a Fellowship Appointment in CSS: 

1. The faculty member may use the title “Fellow of CSS”

2. Office space during period of residency

3. Access to resources available in and through CSS

4. Participation in a community of scholars, including roundtables, seminars, and colloquia


Expectations of for Fellow Appointments: 
Faculty Fellows may be approached periodically to participate in CSS activities. They may do so in many ways, including:

  • Attendance at and participation in staff and research team meetings
  • Invited to give a talk, brown bag or presentation about their work to CSS
  • Note residency in all publications while serving as a fellow