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MCDB embraces expanding investigative and collaborative research as one of our primary goals. We strive to develop new knowledge through basic research about how living organisms function and focus on the molecular and cellular levels of all branches of life—bacteria, plants, and animals. Areas of particular research strength are animal physiology and neurobiology, biochemistry, cell biology, developmental biology, microbiology, and plant molecular biology. MCDB currently has over $8 million in research awards from various agencies, with the majority of support coming from the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.

MCDB has a well-balanced complement of junior and senior faculty providing an environment that is both nurturing and energizing for our faculty. Our diverse research and teaching initiatives allow for strong alliances and collaboration with other UM units and frequently result in joint appointments in units such as Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Ophthalmology, Biological Chemistry, and the Life Sciences Institute.

The volume of research at UM totaled $1.55 billion in the fiscal year that spanned July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2018.

Select the blue button above to see a list of our faculty with active research programs and links to their lab websites.