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How to Apply

To apply to HSSP, you first must be admitted to UM - Ann Arbor as an incoming first-year student, and need to complete the Michigan Learning Community (MLC) application. Please refer to University Housing's MLC Application Instructions for more information on how to apply. The MLC application becomes available in early April.

Should you choose to apply to HSSP (and we hope you do!), you will be asked to complete two short-answer essays.

Our application review will focus on three general areas of consideration:

  • Application essays — We examine your essays for a number of qualities and characteristics, including creativity, originality, and interests that are well-aligned with our mission of encouraging investigation into the health sciences. Note that the MLC Application will time out, so we advise writing these essays ahead of time and pasting them into the application.
  • Extracurricular activities & interests — Your extracurriculars (including work) should show a high level of humanistic intent and a dedication to the service of others. Beyond that, show us how these activities have affected you as an individual; it speaks to what kind of person you are and how well you might do in a diverse, tight-knit community.
  • Personal characteristics — We also consider individual factors and characteristics that may allow prospective members to contribute to the community in unique or compelling ways.

Michigan Learning Community applications take precedence over roommate requests. It is possible for one roommate to be admitted to HSSP and the other declined. If admitted to an MLC, successful applicants' roomate selection will be honored if the other student is also admitted to HSSP.  

If admitted to an MLC, that particular program will distribute information about program requirements. If HSSP is the only program you applied applied to, you will hear directly from HSSP regarding admission status. In any given year, we expect at least three applications for each available space.

In addition to ours, here are some other programs that the University has to offer: