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Lecture. “Economic Factors in Family-related Research in Ukraine.”

Thursday, October 18, 2012
4:00 AM
Third Floor Conference Room, MLB

Professor Nizalova is an assistant professor at the Kyiv School of Economics and a Senior Researcher at the Kyiv Economics Institute in Ukraine. She received her economics degrees from the Kyiv Mohyla Academy (MA) and Michigan State University (PhD). Her research interests include labor and health economics, economics of aging, and policy evaluation. She will discuss the impact of the Mother and Infant Health Program; the wage penalty for motherhood; and aging research in Ukraine.

Prior to Professor Nizalova’s presentation, Denys Nizalov, Academic Director of the Kyiv Economics Institute/Kyiv School of Economics, will give a short presentation on modern economics education in Ukraine. Dr. Nizalov also received a PhD in Agricultural Economics at Michigan State University, where he held a post-doctoral position in the Global Urban Studies Program.

Sponsors: Branch 50 of the Ukrainian National Women's League, Ann Arbor; WCEE
