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Council for European Studies Grants

The University of Michigan Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia is a member of the Council for European Studies. Because of this institutional membership, all U-M students are eligibile for various grants and awards offered by the Council, as well as free attendance at certain events including the annual conference and professional development series. Please visit the Institutional Membership page for details of all opportunities open to U-M students.

Inquiries and applications should be submitted directly to the Council for European Studies.

Past University of Michigan Graduate Student Grant Recipients

Mellon-CES Dissertation Completion Fellowships

  • Ivan Cangemi (Art and Archeology/Anthropology) “A Scale-Free, Transactional Approach to Sociopolitical Development in Late-Prehistoric Central Tyrrhenian Italy” (2015-16)
  • Joseph Viscomi (Anthropology and History) “Fuori Tempo/Out of Time: The End of the Italian Communities in Egypt, 1933-1967” (2015-16)
  • Luciana Aenasoaie (Anthropology and History) – Honorary Award “Altering Spaces: Memory, Acquaintances, and Marginality in Romanian Transformation Discourses” (2014-15)
  • Elana Resnick (Anthropology) “Nothing Ever Perishes: A Study of Social, Economic, and Political Change (and Stasis) through the Exploration of ‘Waste’ in Bulgaria”  (2013-14)

Pre-Dissertation Grants Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

  • Rebecca Aust Wall (History) “Confrontations with Modernity: The Jews of M’Zab, Algeria, 1945-1982” (2010)

Conference Travel Grants

  • Elana Resnick (2013)