Monday, April 1, 2013
4:00 AM
African Studies Center 1080 S. University
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
African Social Research initiative Collaborative Facutly Seed Grant DUE APRIL 1, 2013
To provide faculty at the University of Michigan and partner institutions in UM-priority countries of Africa funding to conduct pilot research grants on important social research topics that can be used to advance scholarship and policy and leverage future seed funding.
- Co-investigators encouraged from Ghana, South Africa, Uganda, Liberia, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, or DRC;
- Foster new, interdisciplinary teams;
- Deepen scholarship on focal areas of ASRI: survey research methodology, labor & economics, governance & political science, public health; gender, ethnic & racial inequality;
- Provide data of critical policy value - describe a plan to translate research to action;
- Support junior faculty; and/or promote faculty collaboration across institutions and rank;