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ALA 170: Social Transformation Projects


ALA 170: Social Transformations Projects
This course guides undergraduate students to take their passions and inspirations to positive social impact through coursework that cultivates skills in grant writing, project development, research, and analysis. Through ongoing coaching and mentorship from professional staff and community members, students will research their project topics, make connections with stakeholders, prototype and test their ideas. Students who complete this mini-course will then be eligible for up to $7,500 in project funding from the BLI in Winter as a BLI Social Transformation Fellow.

Why participate in the BLI ALA Social Transformation Course?

  • Discover and research your project idea
  • Make connections with stakeholders
  • Prototype and test your ideas
  • Be eligible for the BLI Social Transformation Fellowship


  • This opportunity is available to any undergraduate student at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 
  • Fostering Wellbeing and Resilience is the theme for 2025-26:
    • We are looking for ideas and projects that address academic, mental, physical, and social obstacles; combat stigma; mitigate adversity.
  • Application for the 2025 cohort is open through March 17.


Social Transformation Fellowship

Why participate in the BLI Social Transformation Fellowship?

  • Receive up to $7,500 in project funding
  • Receive ongoing coaching and mentorship
  • The BLI Social Transformation Fellowship qualifies as a Blue Experience of the Michigan Leadership Certificate. 


Eligibility: This opportunity is available to students who completed the Social Transformation ALA Course
Application: Opens in December 2025 for winter term funding and support
Compensation: Up to additional $7,500 for project funding


Email Fatema Haque.