- LEARN Experiences
- Leadership Courses
- ALA 174: Leadership Lab
- ALA 275: Foundations in Leadership and Followership
- Detroit Retreat
- Mindful Leader Retreat
- LeaderShape Retreat
- LEAP Experiences
What is leadership?
What is followership?
The two are closely intertwined, but how and when do you choose to lead or follow?
What are the necessary skills to be effective in either role?
Grappling with and answering these questions is essential for leadership. In this class, you will learn more about yourself and your values, understand that good followers make for good leaders, and begin practicing leadership long before you are entrusted with setting direction for a team.
What Will Students Learn in the Foundations of Leadership Course?
The course will help students:
- Test their capacity to critically analyze and evaluate leadership and followership dilemmas.
- Develop essential skills in leadership and followership through contemplative practices, crafting a personal leadership philosophy, and participating in deep reflections.
- Build a leadership and followership “toolkit” that’s based on your values, skills, abilities, visions, and personal style.
- Make habits that will foster continuous learning and development of your leadership and followership skills.
ALA: Foundations in Leadership and Followership is a 3-credit course offered in the winter.
Section 1: 35596, M/W 2:30-4 PM, 4404 RAND
Section 2: 35597, T/TH 5:30-7 PM, 1339 MH