Yiran Fan
Exploration of Person-Specific Functional Organization in Right Prefrontal Cortex
Supervisor: Thad Polk
Emma Osterrieder
Cause-Marketing and Donations: Moral Self-Image and Subsequent Donations
Supervisor: Richard Lewis
Anusha Santhapur
Number Absolutism in Everyday and Medical Decision-Making
Supervisor: Priti Shah
Shuchen Wen
Rethinking the Prediction-as-chronometer Method Through Disentangling Argument Role Computations In Active and Passive Sentences: A Pilot Study
Supervisor: Jon Brennan
Hattie Benedetti
Evaluating the Benefits of Verbal Working Memory Training in Individuals with Mild
Cognitive Impairment
Supervisor: Patricia Reuter-Lorenz
Isha Shinde
Scientific Cognitive Reasoning Skills
Supervisor: Audrey Michal
Xinyi Wang
How Targeted Health Campaigns Affect People’s Vaping Beliefs And Behaviors
Supervisor: Audrey Michal
Samuel Uribe-Botero
Noisy Attention: A preliminary study of the Modulating Effect Noise Has on Different Forms of Selective Attention Within a Load Theory Context
Supervisor: Sile O'Modraine
Akshaya Ravikumar
Establishing a Pipeline for Validating Wearable EEG for Real-Time EEG Signal Processing of Entrained Neural Activity Response to Rhythmic Input Stimuli
Supervisor: Jon Brennan
Anusha Kallapur
Can Narratives Decrease Cognitive Bias?
Supervisor: Stephanie Preston