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Careers and Internships

OS graduates are prepared to do well in a variety of careers, as well as graduate school programs. Alumni work in a wide range of fields, the top ones being consulting, human resources, marketing, and nonprofits. Other fields students have entered include education, finance, fundraising, health care, environment, government, and law. This wide variety of fields is a strong indicator of the multidisciplinary perspectives our students gain through their OS degree and a broad liberal arts education. 


Your OS pathway not only helps you create a customized degree program that reflects your academic interests, it also serves as a springboard for thinking about your career direction. OS helps you explore careers in a multitude of ways:

  1. OS Exclusive Company Info Sessions & Workshops: Companies with successful track records of hiring OS interns and graduates often wish to get to know our students directly, and provide workshops and info sessions right on our floor.
  2. Mock Interview and Resume Review: OS alumni volunteer their time in the early fall to review students' resumes and do mock interview sessions to help students prepare for the job/internship search. Sessions occur remotely.
  3. Malkin Job Shadowing: Thanks to a generous donation of the Malkin Family, we offer students an opportunity to shadow an OS alum at their current job location. The monetary award aims to assist with the additional travel/accomodation costs that come with the shadowing experience.
  4. Alumni Contact Spreadsheet: Our alumni have agreed to share their career and contact information so that current students may contact them for information and advice.
  5. OS Weekly Updates: Organizational Studies sends out a weekly e-mail newsletter to students with news about OS events, career and internship news and events happening arround campus. 
  6. OS Internship Listing: Organizational Studies advertises internship opportunities for OS students in a weekly e-mail starting in January. We also provide a spreadsheet of previous internships in which our students have participated.

Internship Resources and Credit

Two main resources for internship opportunities are the Career Center and the LSA Opportunity Hub. Many students also find internships through their own personal contacts. 

If you wish to or are required to receive academic credit for an internship, there is a course available through the Opportunity Hub. ALA 225 is open to all LSA students. The Hub also offers an internship preparation course (ALA 125) and an internship reflection course (ALA 325).

Types of Careers