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Students in this pathway delve deeper into why people buy, how to gain recognition of certain brands, or what strategies let people know what you want them to know about your organization. With a mix of communication, psychology, and various other disciplines, marketing provides a foundational understanding about the intersect of human interest and strategy.

Career Opportunities

  • Advertising
  • Marketing Management
  • Consumer Research and Analyst

Course Examples

  • Mkt 300: Marketing Management I
  • OS 495: Psychology of Marketing

Sayoni Bandyopadhyay

Class of 2025

Erin Chai

Class of 2025

Abdullah Daaboul

Class of 2025

Mariana Ferraz

Class of 2025

Cameron Henry

Class of 2025

Colin Kirk

Class of 2025

Shirley Zheng

Class of 2025

Isabella Geraci

Class of 2026

Micayla Kates

Class of 2026

Vicky Mai

Class of 2026

Kaitlin McCreadie

Class of 2026