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OS Career Exploration and Prep Series: Consulting Case Study Workshop

Friday, September 21, 2012
4:00 AM
753 Dennison

Learn on how to handle case study interviews.

For seniors planning on entering the consulting field (or juniors planning for internships), here’s your chance to get a handle on the case study interview process. Chad Fry has been recruiting from OS for the last 3-4 years and is currently a Senior Manager at Deloitte Consulting. He knows what OS students can do and wants to assist in better preparing our students for the interview process.

This session is dedicated to preparing for case study interviews. Chad will be joined by OS alum Neil Tambe (’09), also of Deloitte Consulting. Breakout sessions will enable a practice round of case study interviews.

Please rsvp at our Doodle poll by 9/14/2012, 5pm.