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OS Waitlist Policy

The waitlist policy for ORGSTUDY courses varies by level.

ORGSTUDY 100- and 200-level courses
Open to all students. Waitlist priority will be given to sophomores and first-years in waitlist order. Students will have several business days to register for the class (expiration date of the permission will be indicated).

ORGSTUDY 305, 310 and 410
Organizational Studies students are guaranteed space in these courses. These are cohorted OS courses, and non-OS majors are not permitted to enroll.

For all other ORGSTUDY upper-level (300/400) seminars and lab courses
OS majors will typically be given preference off the waitlist over non-OS students, but waitlist priority will always be at the discretion of the instructor. 

Once given permission, students will have several business days to register for the course (expiration date of permission will be indicated). If a student does not use the class permission before it expires, the next student chosen by the instructor will be given permission. 

It is critical that students attend classes from the beginning of the term. Even though students may be registered officially for a course, the department may give away places in a course if students do not attend the first two course meetings.