Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Edgar G. Epps Collegiate Professor of Sociology, Professor of Sociology, Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, Professor of Public Policy, University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor
Social Sciences;
Diversity Scholar;
Spark Contributor;
Advisory Committee;
2023 UDSTP;
University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor
MA & PhD Sociology (University of Chicago)
BA (Wesleyan University)
Alford A. Young Jr. is an Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Edgar G. Epps Collegiate Professor of Sociology, professor of sociology and of Afroamerican and African studies in LSA, and a professor of public policy in the Ford School. Both a sociologist of Black men in America and a historian of Black sociology, his contributions have opened new perspectives for Black America in all its diversity, with a searching inquiry and nurtures further research in his subfield, particularly by other scholars of color.