
Tuesday, May 14
1:00–2:00 p.m. ET
Zoom registration


The efforts at the federal, state, and local levels to restrict K-12 and higher education classroom teaching have been characterized as “educational gag orders.” Tactics such as reporting educators and schools are being used to miseducate the public and maintain control over what is taught, how it’s taught, and who teaches it.

Join us to learn about the state of anti-diversity policies and rhetoric across the United States and how these efforts are impacting millions of students in schools and higher educational contexts. Speakers including educators and students will speak about the impact of censorship and anti-diversity movements.

This event is based on Spark Magazine’s special series on Miseducating The Public Anti-CRT Movement, Rhetoric, Policy and Impact.

Student Panel

Grace Clevenger, college freshman, multicultural feminist studying sociology

Rosalyn Gardner, first-year college student, creative writer, and dancer

Juan Miller, high school senior, interested in sports and activism

Carmen A. Stevens, high school junior, artist, and intercultural communicator

Jackson Taylor, high school junior, interested in writing and film production


Katherine M. Bell, Professor of Communication at California State University, East Bay

Michelle Bellino, Associate Professor of Education at the University of Michigan Marsal Family School of Education

Rebekka Boysen-Taylor, Clinical Assistant Professor in Education, Health and Human Sciences at the University of Idaho

Manoucheka Celeste, Associate Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of Illinois Chicago

Desiree D. Zerquera, Associate Professor of Leadership Studies at the University of San Francisco