Associate Professor of Early Ottoman History
Current research interests:
History and historiography of the Ottoman Empire with a specific emphasis on dissident movements and succession struggles. Socioeconomic history of the Ottoman Empire within the larger framework of military-agrarian societies of the late middle ages and the early modern era.
Teaching interests:
History of the Ottoman Empire; Ottoman historiography; political history of the Republic of Turkey; religion, secularism, and cultural revolutions.
Selected Publications:
“A Tale of Two Boils: Selim I, Melek Ahmed Pasha, and Changing Perceptions of Medical Practice and Masculinity in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire,” co-authored with Jane Hathaway, in Crafting History: Essays on the Ottoman World and Beyond in Honor of Cemal Kafadar, edited by Rachel Goshgarian, Ilham Khuri-Makdisi, and Ali Yaycıoğlu (Brighton: Academic Studies Press, 2022): 241-254.
“Empire or Faith: Stretching the Boundaries of the Sharia in Ottoman Institutional Practice,” Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association 8/2 (2021): 211-225.
Prognostic Dreams, Otherworldly Saints, and Caliphal Ghosts: A Critical Edition of Sadeddin Efendi's (d. 1599) Selimname. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2021.
“‘The Lesser Day of Resurrection’: Ottoman Interpretations of the Istanbul Earthquake of 1509,” in Catastrophes and the Apocalyptic in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, edited by Robert E. Bjork (Turnhout: Brepols Press, 2019): 97-111.
“Bir Defterin Anlattiklari: I. Selim Döneminin Ilk Mevacib Defteri (TSMA D.2921-1)” (Notes on the First Salary Register of Selim I’s Reign), in Filiz Cagman Festschrift (2019).
Disliking Others: Loathing, Hostility, and Distrust in Premodern Ottoman Lands, co-edited with Hakan T. Karateke and Helga Anetshofer (Brighton: Academic Studies Press, 2018).
“Changing Perceptions about Christian-born Ottomans: Anti-kul Sentiments in Ottoman Historiography,” in Disliking Others: Loathing, Hostility, and Distrust in Premodern Ottoman Lands, co-edited by Hakan T. Karateke, Helga Anetshofer, and H. Erdem Çıpa (Brighton: Academic Studies Press, 2018): 1-21.
The Making of Selim: Succession, Legitimacy, and Memory in the Early Modern Ottoman World (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2017). [Turkish translation published as Yavuz'u Yaratmak: Osmanli Dünyasinda Saltanat Veraseti, Mesruiyet ve Tarihi Hafiza (Istanbul: Kitap Yayinevi, 2019).]
“Sultan of a Golden Age That Never Was: The Image of Selim I (r. 1512-1520) in Ottoman Advice Literature,” Archivum Ottomanicum 31 (2014): 129-156.
Writing History at the Ottoman Court: Editing the Past, Fashioning the Future, co-edited with Emine Fetvaci (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2013). [Turkish translation published as Osmanli Sarayinda Tarihyazimi (Istanbul: Tarih Vakfi Yurt Yayinlari, 2014).]
Yavuz’un Kavgasi: I. Selim’in Saltanat Mücadelesi [The Battle of “the Grim”: The Succession Struggle of Selim I] (Istanbul: Yapi Kredi Yayinlari, 2013 [2nd ed. 2020]). [Turkish translation with revisions of “The Centrality of the Periphery: The Rise to Power of Selim I, 1487-1514” (Ph.D. diss., Harvard University, 2007).]
“Contextualizing Seyh Bedreddin: Notes on Halil b. Ismail’s Menakib-i Seyh Bedreddin b. Israil,” in Sinasi Tekin Anisina: Uygurlardan Osmanliya / In Memory of Sinasi Tekin: From the Uygurs to the Ottomans (Istanbul: Simurg Publications, 2005): 285-295.
“McNeill’in ‘Salginlar ve Halklar’i Üzerine Düsünceler” (Ideas on McNeill’s ‘Plagues and Peoples’), Toplumsal Tarih (Social History), October 1995: 21-26.