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Graduate Student Resources

The Middle East Studies department has many resources to support students during their graduate work. In addition to what the department has to offer, there are other units and programs on campus that are designed to support graduate students. Other resources for graduate students include:

Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library

The University Graduate Library is the main depository for Middle East Collections. The collections which are maintained and supervised by a Middle East bibliographer, contain more than 329,785 monograph titles, 1,158 serial titles, and 32 current newspapers. Of these titles, approximately 195,000 are in the languages of Middle East and North Africa: Hebrew, Persian, Arabic, Armenian, Turkish and several others. For more information, visit the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library website or the special guide to Middle East Studies Library Resources

Computing Center
The University of Michigan's computing resources are among the best in the world. As a U-M student, you will have access to state-of-the-art technology and the opportunity to learn from knowledgeable faculty and staff. All students have access to computers, printers, and software; free computer workshops; consultants to help answer your questions; and network services such as email, Internet access, and access to the University Library's electronic card catalog. For more information on the University's computing services, visit the Information Technology Division website.

Kelsey Museum
The Kelsey Museum of Ancient and Medieval Archaeology houses collections from the Mediterranean area and the Middle East. Materials from Egypt, Iraq, Greece, Cyprus, and Syria are included among these, most notable are the exhibits from the Michigan excavations at Karanis in Egypt and Seleucia in Iraq.

Sweetland Center for Writing 
The Sweetland Center for Writing exists to support student writing at all levels and in all modes. Graduate students can receive one-to-one writing assistance from Sweetland faculty in their Writing Workshop. Students can also look forward to seminars on teaching writing, writing groups, advanced writing courses, and dissertation writing programs. 

"CAPS" is an acronym for the University of Michigan's Counseling and Psychological Services. Graduate students at Michigan have no-cost access to individual counseling sessions, group and couples counseling, group wellness workshops and mindfulness training, as well as urgent walk-in services through CAPS. Learn more about CAPS and the services they offer here

The Center for Research on Learning and Teaching: CRLT is part of the Provost's Office and works with faculty, graduate student instructors (GSIs) and academic administrators in all nineteen schools and colleges to support and enhance learning and teaching at U-M. CRLT offers a comprehensive array of curricular and instructional development activities. CRLT's professional staff, with Ph.D.s in a variety of academic disciplines, provide both cross-disciplinary campus-wide programs and discipline-specific programs customized to the individual needs of departments, schools and colleges. CRLT strives to promote a University culture that values and rewards teaching, respects and supports individual differences among learners, and encourages the creation of learning environments in which diverse students can learn and excel.

The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts provides a collection of resources to assist graduate students throughout their career. For more information on their services, please visit their graduate page here