Kuntillet ‘Ajrud: Iron Age Inscriptions and Iconography
Kuntillet ‘Ajrud: Iron Age Inscriptions and Iconography
Brian Schmidt (volume guest editor and contributor)
The contributors include Israel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv), Herbert Niehr (Tübingen), Nadav Naaman (Tel Aviv), Brian Schmidt (Michigan), Brent Strawn and Joel Lemon (Emory).
This collection of groundbreaking essays is dedicated to the study of the northern Sinai site of Kuntillet Ajrud. It was borne in the throes of several recent events impacting the study of the site and its finds: the release of the Kuntillet Ajrud final report in 2012 following a forty-year hiatus and in response, several expert presentations at two successive society meetings within months of that release. These included the 2013 iteration of the European Association of Biblical Studies in Leipzig, and shortly following upon that, the meeting of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament in Münich. In anticipation that the then newly published final report would elicit a lively and substantive response from the research community, Brian organized a special panel of presenters dedicated entirely to the Kuntillet Ajrud finds for the IOSOT meeting. At that meeting, panel papers were presented by Tallay Ornan, Israel Finkelstein, Kyle McCarter, Nadav Naaman, and Herbert Niehr. The large audience turnout confirmed the intense level of interest in the topic and the following Q&A session was highly informative. At the meeting of the EABS in Leipzig, Brian presented a paper on Kuntillet Ajrud in a session dedicated to the interface of iconographic and biblical tropes.
Brian B. Schmidt (volume guest editor and contributor), Kuntillet ‘Ajrud: Iron Age Inscriptions and Iconography. Papers from the 2013 Meetings of the EABS (Leipzig) and the IOSOT (Münich). Rolling Hills Estates: Western Academic Press, 2015. 126 Pages. ISBN-13: 978-0-9856141-8.